Chapter 19

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Okay so the lobola negotiations went by without a hitch. Well, my Uncle Phumzile did end up crashing my dad's car. You see? I had told him so.

Now it was a month before my concert with Jacques and we were leaving tomorrow for Italy. My one was going with but would only be staying for three days.

I had decided to hire a wedding planner for the wedding. She was going to work closely together with my mother though.

The whole world practically knew about our engagement. It was still a hot topic. I got invited to many interviews which I rejected. It wasn't time yet. My one though has had interviews related to sports but the interviewers would sneak in questions about us...specifically me. There's one interview though that everyone is going on and on about and which is making his fans see me in a new light, and this is it:

Interviewer: "I know this is off topic Viking but there's a lot of speculation going around about your fiancé, Isiqhamo, about what kind of person she is and all that. I just want to hear from you, what kind of person is she to you?" After the interviewer had asked the question there had been silence and the camera had focused on my one. His face was all serious and then it broke into a smile.
Vuyani: "One thing I can say about my fiancé is that, she is one hell of a crazy woman." And then he started laughing.

Now everywhere, they played back that part when he smiled, called me crazy and then laughed. They commented on how they've never seen Viking smile as he did, and his laugh, that's what was making people go up the wall, because they had never seen or heard him laugh before.

For me, I couldn't believe that he had called me crazy on global television. When I gave him hell later on about it, he was like "but you are crazy little beamer and that's why I love you." I lost the fight.

Andile: "I'm going to be that cool best man that's wearing crocodile spiky shoes on that day."
Vuyani: "For fuck sakes." He muttered as Inga and I laughed.
Andile: "What Vi? I'll be smoking you'll see. All the people in your wedding will be like 'and did you see his best man? He had on cool spiky shoes' I guarantee you that."
Vuyani: "I knew you were going to do something to embarrass me on that day. I think I should change best man."
Andile: "You wish! You're stuck with me. Don't forget I know that I'm your only best buddy since you're practically a loner."
Vuyani: "Whatever."
Inga: "So is it going to be a big wedding? I was so surprised when we got the invitations already."
Me: "It's going to be big but intimate. And I decided to send out the invitations early so that people can prepare themselves and plan their schedules accordingly."
Andile: "You guys are really a power couple. It's all about schedules with you two."
Vuyani: "We're busy people. Not like you would know anything about it."
Andile: "Hey! What're you trying to say?" We laughed.
Inga: "So I heard you have a big concert coming up?" I nodded smiling. "Ace and I tried to get tickets but they were already sold out."
Me: "Yeah, they were already sold out about 4 months ago."
Andile: "I didn't know you were a big thing until I saw that your album getting nominations left and right. And then I was like 'daaamn VI's woman is something'..." He said taking a sip of his beer.
Me: "I know right? Isn't he lucky to have snagged me up?" He laughed as my one poked my sides. "I can get you guys tickets if you really want to go."
Inga: "Really?" Her voice raised. I nodded. She squealed happily. "Oh please please. I want to go."
Me: "Okay then. I'll give them to you tomorrow before we leave."
Inga: "Thank you Isi. You're the best." I smiled waving her off.
Andile: "Much love Isi. My woman had really wanted to go and was sad when we couldn't get the tickets."
Me: "There's no thanks needed. You guys are family now."
Andile: "Appreciate you saying that." He told me blinking. My one pulled me into his arms and kissed me on the face.

Jacques: "Okay, so the orchestra is already there waiting for us."
Me: "Oh god." I said nervously. He chuckled.
Jacques: "Don't be nervous. Most of them are your fans."
Me: "Yeah I know but I can't help but be nervous. I mean I've heard a lot about them. They're pretty good."
Jacques: "That's an understatement." I sucked in an audible breath when we entered the theatre. Oh my god! I was in heaven. It was humongous and so breathtakingly beautiful. I couldn't help but to be enthralled. And there on the stage, the orchestra was. Holly smokes! Looking at the stage from here was astounding. In a month I was going to be up there as thousands and thousands of people watched me shine. This had been my dream and it was coming true.

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