Chapter one

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Peter Parker's Pov

I clenched my stomach in pain as the familiar dark, gooey red substance leaked out of my torn side. My insides were burning and I scrunched my nose in disgust as I managed to stand up without stumbling because of my injuries...

Everything took a turn for the worst when Aunt May died in a fire. I-I did my best to save her, I really did. But I... I just couldn't get to her in time. Her boyfriend, Jordan, got full custody over me. And, well, he abuses me and treats me like shit. I just got a pretty bad beating because I was late home. If I can even call it home anymore. It's more like a prison. A prison I can't escape. A prison I have to live in for the rest of eternity. Well, until I'm eighteen, but I think I'll be beaten to death before then. But I do have enchaned healing which helps. Although, I do need to eat more than a regular person in order for it to fully work,but I eat way less than a regular person. Maybe even less than a stray dog. I hate it here so much.

The only thing I've eaten in two weeks was a chicken nugget and a few burnt chips. And that 'meal' was from Ned, I guess he saw I had no food again and decided I needed it more than he did. Which was true I guess. I love Ned, he stuck with me even when I revealed to him that I was Spiderman. He is the best friend ever and I couldn't be more grateful, he is also the best guy in the chair.

It seemed I went into autopilot because I found myself in the bathroom. The room was already stained with blood and it has only been five months since Aunt May died. The familiar pungent scent wrapped around my face. Just seeing the blood makes me gag. Its my blood. It's funny how easily disgusted I get from my blood in the bathroom but I get hurt on patrols all the time and just shrug it off. Haha, funny.

Anyway, I have to clean this wound and bandage it up. I released I had to stitch it up as well. Shit. I have only stitched up a wound twice and those weren't as big as this wound.Well, fuck. I have to do it though.

I groaned as I washed the wound with fresh water. I tried to keep quiet as I didn't want to wake up Jordan who passed out due to drinking to much. The wound was deep enough to see the tip of some of my rib bones. Ew. Whatever, I need to get this done. I don't know how I'll hide the massive bruise on my head, I'll probably just make up an excuse like 'I got mugged'. Yeah, yeah that will work.

I dabbed the outskirts of the wound with a paper towel. God it HURT. The moment I finished, I got a needle and thread and tried my best to stay quiet as I stitched up my wound. I let out a few schreeches, I was in so much pain. Finally, I was done. I did it! Now I just had to bandage it up. I got the bandages (that I always have a good supply of) and wrapped it around my ribcage.

Suddenly, I got a notification , it's an email. I don't normally get emails.

To Peter Benjamin Parker

You have been carefully selected from the many different young people to be given an internship at Stark Industries.

Bla bla bla

If you accept this life changing offer, your hours will be 4pm - 7pm. You will be starting on Monday the 25th of July. When you arrive, please visit the reception and say you are Peter Parker for your pass and someone will show you to your workspace.

Yours sincerely,
Stark Industries

You Recued Me - Spiderson, Irondad [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now