chapter 11

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Peter's POV

As I start to regain control, I realize that I have nearly arrived at floor sixty seven. I start to regain my casual posture, ignoring all the deafening noises flooding my ears. I just need to focas for three hours or less, I can do this. I need to do this. The injuries all over my body didn't help as I was constantly on a lot more pain then I usually would be. I think I should go on patrol later than usual so most of the pain passes because I wouldn't be able to handle the Avengers chasing me around the city in my sensory overload.

I try to act normal (but fail miserably) when I arrive at Mr Stark's lab. "Hey kid, can you help me with this?" Mr Stark asks me as I step out of the elevator into the familiar lab. I block out any noise that might distract me and focus on Mr Stark's question,
"Yeah, sure umm what is-is i-it?" I reply. Fucking stuttering. I'm glad none of the Avengers mentioned my stuttering but I think a few of them question it in their head, but they never say it out loud so I, luckily, don't need to explain anything to them.
"It's a water gun I wanna threaten Clint with because he 'hAteS wAteR gEtTiNg oN hIs nIcE cLeAn cLothEs' he has terrible taste in clothes by the way!" Mr Stark answered me, trying to sound like Clint at the middle part buy failed and sounded more like a little girl.
"Hah, I know, he actually really hates getting water on his clothes," I quietly responded as I walk towards the incomplete water gun.

"So what do you want to do with it, like-umm do you wanna like uh ha-have different set-tings or some-something?" I ask Mr Stark.
"Yeah, I was thinking different settings would be cool, we should start working on that now," he replied.
"Okay!" I enthusiastically respond, happy I have a distraction from all the noise and pain.

Tony's POV
Sunday, 5:34 pm:

I was just working on a water gun, to threaten Clint with, and heard Friday speak up, "Tony, I think there is something important that you should know before it escalates badly." Curious, I stopped what I was doing and answered Friday, "what should I know?"
"It's to do with Peter Parker, your person intern," she started.
"Yeah, what about him?" I asked, could he be Spiderman, nah, that's stupid he's just a kid, he couldn't be that powerful of a vigilant.
"Well, ever since he became and intern, I have picked up traces of the following, starvation, dehydration, multiple injuries including deep and light cuts, scrapes, broken bones, bruises, burn marks and more," she waited a few seconds before continuing, "he also is sometimes dizzy and what looks like sticks to things for at most three seconds, he also looks very uncomfortable and confused most of the time. I have also noticed he he also from injuries quicker than most, he once healed from a broken rib in four days, yep hours, sixteen minutes and forty five seconds. I am worried about Peter and I trust you will look into this."
"Thank you Friday for the information," I respond. What the actual fuck did she just tell me? Okay, let's think about this logically, he can't be Spiderman because he's sixteen, so his fast healing he probably was just born with. But why does he have so many injuries? Wait. What if he is abused at home? Okay, I need someone to look into this as well as me. Ummmm. Who though? The answer suddenly popped into my head. Natasha. Of course! She is definitely the best option, so I pulled out my phone to text her about the situation.

Natasha 💅

Hey Nat, can u help me with smth?

Nat 💅

I'm not busy rn, what do you need?

So Friday just told me some very interesting info and I was just wondering if you could like spy or smth on him.

Nat 💅
Who's him?

Oh yeah
I'll tell Friday to send the information to u
One sec read: 5:38 pm

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