Chapter 14

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Peter's POV

Before I could worry anymore about what Miss Romanoff said, I arrived at floor 70. As soon as i stepped out of the elevator, Mr Stark greeted me. "What're you working on?" I asked quite quietly, but he heard me nonetheless. His eyes darted from his damaged suit to me, then back.
"Just fixing my suit, you would assume that Spiderkid would be easy to catch, but he's really slippery, ironic, right?" He replied. I would've laughed at that, but Mr Stark said 'kid' and 'he' how did he know that information?
"Um, how do you know Spiderman's a kid and a male?" I hesitantly asked.
"Well, it's quite simple, really. He sounds like a teenager, maybe 15 or 16? And he sounds pretty masculine, a bit feminine too, but maybe he hasn't gone through that voice change thing yet, plus most teenagers sound like that. His body also looks like a male's one as well," Mr Stark rambled, but I saw him scrunch up his face in confusion at my bruised one. All I could think of was, thank GOD, my spidey DNA gives me the body type and voice box I want.
"Oh, that makes sense, so what do you want me to do?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.


"PETER!" Kate excitedly shouted, a bright, genuine smile making it way to my bruised face.
"KATE!" I reply, my voice copying their tone, running to hug her. Even though I was a few years younger than him, I was nearly her height. Stepping out of the hug, I looked at her bow, but it wasn't clean and unscathed like the other times I saw it. It was broken into two, right down the middle.
"Bishop, how the hell did you manage that?" Mr Stark sighed, eyeing the metallic bow.
"It wasn't me this time! It was Pietro," she bitterly muttered. I raised my eyebrows at that,
"This time? ...Are you saying it's happened before?" I asked. Kate gave me a sheepish grin, directing her focus once more to Mr Stark.

"Alright, tell Pietro he's grounded," he finally answered, taking Kate's bow and putting it on his desk.
"Pietro, dad says you're grounded!" Kate shouted in the direction of the stairs. The only reason we have them is for emergency purposes, and because Piertro prefers running to get to floors rather than going in the elevator. A quick flash of ice blue is displayed and an annoyed Pietro appeared.
"Hey! You said you wouldn't tell. Plus, it was all Clint!" The boy complained like a six year old. Just then, the elevator dinged, and an amused Yelena and a grumpy Clint came out.
"It wasn't me!" Clint argued, staring with pure hatred at Pietro. Yelena came to stand by me, watching how all this is going down.
"Was too!"
"Was not!"
"Was too!"
"Was not!"
"Alright, break it up, I don't care who it was. You're all grounded," Mr Stark sighed.
"I didn't do anything!" Yelena gasped.
"Okay, fine, Yelena's not grounded." Mr Stark muttered.
"That's not fair..." I heard Pietro grumble, but fortunately, Mr Stark either didn't hear or didn't acknowledge the complaint.

Hey, I'm not dead! This is just a filler chapter because I honestly can not deal with long ass chapters right now 🤠.

You Recued Me - Spiderson, Irondad [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora