chapter 10

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Clint's POV

"Are you guys serious?" Fury asked, "you still haven't gotten the information? Do you know what, you guys have to get this information in a month, okay?" He continued, "I can't believe all of you are losing to a likley inexperienced person." Me and Pietro looked at each other, we knew if Peter didn't tell the Avengers soon, we would actually have to hurt him to the point he can't escape. Shit. I then looked at Kate. She knew what this ment. We would have to talk to him. I didn't bother looking at Yelena because I knew what she was thinking.

°-° After the meeting •-•

I waited for them all to get up to leave with them. We would have to do something about this, when we were in my bedroom, we discussed what we would do. "Guys, I honestly don't know what to do," Yelena said.
"Me neither, but I think we have to tell Peter about it," Kate responded.
"Yeah, no shut, but how?" Pietro asked.
"Oh! Uh ask Friday to meet us at floor umm uh-" I said before Pietro cut me off, "here," he said, "that way we can't get bored."
"Sounds like a good idea, but Tony would totally question us," Yelena spoke up.
"Yeah, you're right," Pietro responded.
"We can say that it's important?" I said.
"OR we can say we just want to hang out," Kate challenged.
"Or we can just not say anything except 'come to Clint's room on floor 74' ya'know, easy," Yelena said.
"Yeah, let's just say that!" Pietro replied.

Peter's POV

I felt kinda sick when I awoke, but I brushed it off and put on a dark blue shirt, a grey, lightweight hoodie and some jeans, along with grey socks and light grey trainers. I slipped on my backpack and then headed straight to my door. I clenched my fist around the door knob so tightly I heard a quiet crack. I literally just broke the door knob a bit. Shit. Sometimes I underestimate how strong I actually am. I then opened the door, trying to make the least noise possible. But he still heard me. "GET YOUR PATHETIC ASS TO SCHOOL RIGHT NOW, YOU FAGGOT!" Jordan shouted as I winced. Why was I so weak? I'm Spiderman for fucks sake! Yet I let a drunk as fuck man beat the hell out of me because I think I deserve it? Maybe I do deserve it. I mean, it was my fault my family died. It was my fault I couldn't save some people. It was my fault people died during the day while I was at school. It was my fault Uncle Ben was shot. And it was my fault I didn't reach Aunt May in time. Maybe this us just a punishment for being the cause of so many deaths.

I sped walked to the subway and just sat there thinking of all of the people I could've saved but I didn't. And all because I was too much of a cowered and didn't get to them in time or didn't push them out if the way or watched them die while I was safe. How was I still alive?

I had to get these negative thoughts out of my head. So I did. I pushed them all down and just thought about my friends and the Avengers. They always made me feel happy. Unlike Jordan, who only made me suffer and feel like I don't deserve I decent life. No. Stop thinking about Jordan. Just stop. So I did. I stopped thinking about him. As I approached the school building I saw Ned and Wade talking to each other. And Wade looked, flustered? What the fuck? Okay, one sec ima try to hear what they are talking about without them noticing. I got close enough for me to hear, but for then not to notice me, it was a great day to have enchaned hearing. "Oh my god, you have a crush on Peterrr!" Ned said. Wait a damn minute. Wade has a crush on me? Did I hear that right? Okay yeah I did. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. This is the best day of my life.
"Shut up, Ned!" Wade replied. MJ then approached them.
"Wait, wait, WAIT, Wade has a crush in Peter?" MJ asked.
"Yeah..." Wade replied.
"HAH, you owe me ten bucks!" She told Ned.
"You guys better in this?" Wade asked.
"Yep," Ned replied whilst handing MJ ten dollars.
"Oh, also I keep catching Peter staring at you, he totally has a crush on you," Max told Wade with a grin. Shit. Okay I think I should approach them now.

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