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Hi! Just gonna explain some of Peter's powers now.

So, since he is trans he didn't need to get top and bottom surgery, his body just did that by itself because of his powers. He doesn't need web slingers, so he has more like Toby's powers instead if Tom's. I just felt like I needed to clear that up.

Also, this is just some people's sexualitys and pronouns.

Wanda: Bisexual, she/they.
Natasha: Omnisexual with a preference for girls, she/they.
Tony: Bisexual, he/him.
Steve: Gay, he/him.
Bruce: Asexual, he/they.
Scott: Aromantic, he/they.
Thor: Straight, he/him. (He is that one ally friend.)
Loki: Pansexual, Genderfluid.
Peter: Bisexual, he/they.
Kate: Lesbain + Asexual, Pangender.
Yelena: Asexual, doesn't care about the pronouns people use for them but wishes they use he and they more often.
Clint: Bisexual, he/they.
Pietro: Gay, he/they.
Bucky: Bisexual, he/him.
Sam: Bisexual, he/him.
Wade: Gay, he/they.
Ned: Asexual, he/they.
MJ: Lesbain, she/they.
Max: Lesbain, Pangender.

If I missed anyone please tell me :D !

Oh, also, when Steve and Bucky were growing up and in those times being homosexual was really looked down upon, they gained internalised homophobia because if their sexualities. But, after a while, they started to not care about what other people thought.

Also, did you know that caffeine makes spiders drunk like achohol makes humans drunk? Im definitely adding that into a chapter.

Also I'm definitely making a chapter with Peter picking up Thor's Hammer and gets confused why everyone was freaking out because he just wanted to know where Thor was to give it back to him because Thor left it in the kitchen.

I'm just gonna stop this info because in gonna end up spoiling as much as Tom does. Make sure to take care of yourself and I hope you have a lovely day, bye :) !

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