Chapter 13

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I'm just gonna list all of the tw again: Suicide mentions, self-harm mentions, selfharm, blood mentions, swearing, secondhand embarrassment, abuse, panic attacks, anxiety, overthinking, suicidal thoughts, detailed injuries, sharp objects, homophobia, transphobia, self-harm, and other possible triggers.

I'm also going to list all of Peter's mental health disorders, phobias, and stuff: mild Anxiety, PTSD, low ADHD, depression, autophobia (fear of being alone), arachnophobia (fear of spiders), and mild social anxiety.

His new suit is the Cival War suit.

Peter's POV

I felt like I was dying. It hurt. It hurt so much. It felt like my throat was closing up. I crawled my way to the bathroom. Everything hurt. I couldn't feel anything, it was like pins and needles overtook my body, stabbing me with more pain. I locked the door and collapsed on the floor. I just wanted the pain to go away. I peered up from the floor. The cupboard. I just need to get the first aid kit. I need to help myself.

- An hour and a half later -

Done! It doesn't hurt as much now. Well, my whole body is wrapped with bandages. It still hurts. You would think I got used to it by now. I haven't. I still hurt so much every single time. It hurts not just physically, but mentally as well. It hurts because I know Aunt May loved him. Well for a little amount of time at least. He manipulated her toward the end of their relationship. I'm still mad that I haven't found out who caused the fire. Hopefully, I will find out soon.

Wait, how am I going to hide this? I could probably get away with an oversized hoodie at school but at work, I probably couldn't. Because, well, there are professional assassins in the building. But I guess I have no other choice. Let's just hope no one says anything. I hope no one says anything. What if they do? What would I say?

I should get up and go on patrol, hopefully, it will clear my mind. Just then, I got a notification from Ned.


Hi the spidey suit arrived

Oh cool

I was just gonna go
On patrol, I'll start swinging
over rn

Ok see u soon

My body was aching but I was sort of excited to go on patrol. I got into my 'spidersuit' and climbed out of my window.

It was so peaceful swinging through the city. It felt... Right. It felt like protecting and swinging through the city was made for me. It was.

"Hey, Peter!" Ned greeted.
"Hi," I reply, climbing into his bedroom and taking my mask off.
"The suit is quite cool despite being made by a random guy," Ned explained whilst he got the suit and chucked it at me.
"Go put it on in the bathroom then go on patrol, I'll keep you company while you're on patrol," he said.

I left the room and entered the bathroom. He wasn't lying, the suit looked pretty good and it fitted me perfectly. It was comfortable as well.
"Dude, you look great, oh I also already installed the camera so it's all good, now go on patrol, I wanna see how it works!"
"Okay, okay," I say, putting my hands up in playful defense since I could easily beat Ned if I wanted to, and clambered out of the window.

As I was swinging through the city Bed spoke up, "There aren't any threats right now, you can just land on a building until there are, we don't want to waste your energy," he warily said.
"Okay, thanks," I replied. The adrenaline was pulsing through my veins and everything wanted me to keep swinging, but Ned was right, I had to save my energy. Especially since I have the Avengers trying to get my information. Right... I need to tell Ned about that.

You Recued Me - Spiderson, Irondad [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now