chapter two

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Suddenly, I got a notification , it's an email. I don't normally get emails.

To Peter Benjamin Parker

You have been carefully selected from the many different young people to be given an internship at Stark Industries.

Bla bla bla

If you accept this life changing offer, your hours will be 4pm - 7pm. You will be starting on Monday the 25th of July. When you arrive, please visit the reception and say you are Peter Parker for your pass and someone will show you to your workspace.

Yours sincerely,
Stark Industries

Peter's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes, I filled out the internship application months ago. And now I've been accepted!? This must be a mistake. Why would they choose me? Anyone else would've been a better choice. Why me? I read it again just to make sure, to Peter Benjamin Parker, that was my name! I can't believe it, I actually got an internship at Stark Industries!! Wait, tomorrow is Monday, what if they say something about my bruised face? I'll just say that I got mugged. I mean, I could get away with that at school so I could get away with it at Stark Industries , right?

I realized that it was 12:31am and I have school tomorrow AND I have to go to Stark Industries. I can't wait to tell Ned the news.

I put the first aid kit away and slowly walked over to my bed, trying not to stumble with each step. I layed down on my bed, hopefully my enchaned healing will help out with the bruise and wound.

>-°-°-< Da next day

The sound of my old alarm sounded, I groaned as I grabbed my Avengers themed alarm clock and moved my hand with sluggish movements to turn it off. What was the point of getting up? I thought to myself, but then I remembered I had to get up for Ned, for MJ and I have an internship. Plus if I didn't I would just get beat up by Jordan again.

I mindlessly got out of bed and walked to my closet. As I was scanning through my closet I saw the ironman mask I wore on the day Tony Stark saved me. I slightly smiled, memories washing over me, but I pushed them down and picked a light grey t-shirt, an oversized red hoodie and dark blue sweatpants out of my small closet.

As I slipped on my plain dark grey backpack, I hesitated to open my door and face Jordan. I need to tell him about my internship today. I hope he doesn't yell at me. I opened the roting door and I winced when it made a 'creeeeaaakkk' sound.

As I approached Jordan, who was sprawled across the couch, he noticed me before I got to him.
"What the fuck do you want?!" He said, quite loudly.
"I-I um-" I stuttered before Jordan interrupted me.
"I got an internship a-nd I'm going to be working four pm to s-seven pm monday to f-friday.." I stutter out whilst clenching onto my backpack, not wanting him to yell at me again.
"Okay, I don't give a shit as long as your back by 10pm then I DON'T FUCKING CARE, NOW GET YOUR ASS TO SCHOOL!" He yelled as he grabbed another beer out of the many near him, which made me wince and fast walk out of our apartment, still clenching my backpack and staring at the ground.

When I got to Midtown High, Ned and MJ immediately noticed the massive bruise on my face, which got somewhat smaller because of my enchaned healing.
"What happend?" Asked MJ, obviously concerned.
"Oh, i-um I got mugged and they punched me, " I amswered. Hopefully they will believe me I thought to myself.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Asked Ned.
"Yeah, I'm fine guys, " I said with a reassuring smile, they make me feel better, but I hope they stop asking me these questions now.
"Okay losers, it's time we head to class now" MJ said.


As we walked into class, I saw the new girl, her name was Maxine I think, and I decided to sit next to her.
"Hey you losers can sit next to each other again, right? I said as I turned to them.
"uh, duh," replied Ned.
"Why are you asking is anyways?" Asked Peter.
"Um no reason I replied as I turned to walk towards Maxine.
She had ginger hair and was a little shorter than me. She was wearing a red and white jacket with a white shirt underneath and she had light blue jeans on. She looks really cute I thought to myself as I asked her if she wanted to sit next to me which she said yes to.

Peter's POV

As we were sitting down, I saw MJ talking to the new girl. I nudged Ned and pointed at MJ and Maxine. Ned made an :0 face and we both knew we would tease her about it later.

And BAM a new chapter! Let me know what you think abt this one lmao :)
I am gonna work on chapter three now, I am really enjoying writing this book! :D

Word count: 892 words

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