chapter 3

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Ned's POV

When we were in science class I started to notice Peter's weird behavior. His movements were sluggish and limited, especially near his chest and he flinched way too much even if something could explode any minute. I'm probably going crazy I thought to myself as I watched Peter get some stuff for our experiment.

Peter's POV

Ned has been giving me concerned looks a lot. He's probably just worried about how I got 'mugged' I thought, I mean, who wouldn't be concerned for their friend who got mugged? I just brushed it off. At lunch I can tell MJ and Ned about the internship, I can't wait, there was only five minutes left of maths, then it will be lunch!

Third person

As Peter and Ned was finishing their work (Peter knowing everything already and Ned actually learning things) MJ found out more stuff about Maxine.

First of all, she prefers to be called Max, she loves music and her favorite song is 'Dandelions' by Ruth B, she likes wearing hoodies and jackets (she thinks they just 'pull the outfit together'), she has autism and she loves dogs (her favourite breed is a Red Retriever). She's also bisexual.

Peter's POV

It's lunch now, even if I had food I wouldn't be able to eat it. I'm too nervous. What if they think I'm lying? I know Flash would. But they wouldn't... Right? They are my friends. And they would believe me. I know they would. Why am I over thinking this?


We sat down on our usual table and, as usual, Peter didn't have any food whatsoever. I wrote a mental note that we will have to talk to him about that later. Somethings up with him. But maybe I'm over thinking it. Like I always do. There was silence, comfortable silence, until I spoke up.
"So, anything cool happen over half term?" I asked them, generally curious. Ned spoke up first,
"Yeah, I got two new Lego sets!" He said enthusiastically, "what about you MJ, anything cool happen today?" He asked me,with a smug smile. he knew what he was doing.
I sighed. "If you really want to know..." "I-um ,you know the new girl in our class? Well I met her and she's really cute." I murmered quietly.
"Sorry I didn't hear you, can you speak up?" Peter replied.
"You know damn well what I said Peter, " I said to him as I glared into his soul, trying to hide my blush.
"OoOOo, someone has a cruuush," Ned cooed.
"Shut up Ned," I replied, a little too quickly.
They both snickered and we went back to talking.

Peter's POV

"So anything cool or exciting happen to you recently, Peter?" Ned asked me. I can tell them about the internship. "Yeah, um actually something has happened to me, yeah, " I hesitantly replied.
"And what was it?" Asked a still flustered MJ.
"Well, I-I-um I got an.. internship," I finally said. I don't know why I'm nervous, they're my friends.
"Good for you dude, but um from where?" Ned asked this time.
"Um-uh from.. You guys aren't gonna believe this...Stark Industries, " I whispered the last part extra quietly. "Are you serious, you got an internship from Stark fucking Industries?!" Ned whisper-yelled so no one except us could hear.
"Wow, good job, I heard you had to be really smart for them to even consider you getting an internship...You're still a loser though, just a really fucking smart one," MJ said, then got back to reading a book that seemed to appear out of nowhere.
"Oh um, Peter?" Said Ned
"Yeah," I replied.
"I'm walking home today, do you think I can walk you to the tower?"
"Yeah, of course, I needed some company anyway." I replied. I was glad Ned was gonna be there. My friends made me happy.

Okay this chapter was a bit shorter than others but I hope you still enjoyed it! And don't worry, Deadpool and Tony are gonna appear soon, probably in the next few chapters!! I hope you have an amazing day/night! :D

Word count: 696 words

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