chapter 8

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Tony's POV

"So, you didn't get the information?" Fury sighed, "okay, look we need that information, we can't have someone swinging around the city without knowing who he is, he could be a threat! Look, Spiderman will most likely be out doing whatever he does today and I don't care what you are doing the moment he is out, but you get your suits on and go after him. Get all the information we need, I don't care how you do it,as long as you don't kill him, then we will see if we will consider him joining the Avengers, and if he is not a threat, he would great for the team," he continued.
"I don't know if hurting him is a good idea, it seems he just wants to help out around the city," Pietro answered.
"Yeah, plus he doesn't sound older than, like, twenty. Wait no, scratch that he doesn't even seem like an adult, I don't want to serverly hurt a minor," Clint backed Pietro up.
"Then don't serverly hurt him, just get what we need," Fury continued, "meeting dismissed."

Peters POV

When I was getting out if my room, I thankfully saw that Jordan wasn't there, and that he was passed out in his bedroom due to the amount of achahol he consumed last night. I then slipped out of the apartment complex and onto the streets of Queens. The same street I have protected for so long. It's funny seeing it at this point if view. I don't feel like I'm protecting it while I'm not in my spiderman suit. If you could even call it a suit, I really need an upgrade. I was on my way to the subway when I heard someone say "give me all ya money!" Thankfully, there was three cops already swarming the scene. I decided they could deal with it and I got into the subway.

°-° 25 minutes later •-•

I was at school sitting next to Wade, it was the only class I didn't have Med or MJ in, and I wasn't really paying attention. I don't think Wade was either. Wade was really smart, and he was handsome. Okay, Peter, stop simping for a guy you met a few days ago. I mean, there was a chance, he was gay so I had a good enough chance, right? I was so caught up in my thoughts that I forgot I was in maths class, "Peter!" The teacher called out, making me jump a little, and casing Wade to look at me, "Uh, yeah?" I replied.
"Can you answer this question on the board?" He asked me.
"It's 10√2," I replied, with a smile.
"Thank you, Peter," he said and then continued teaching. Flash just scowled at me then look back at the board, but I didn't focus on that I focused on that Wade smiled at me. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. He just smiled at me! Okay I'm fanboying now. But, like, he's really hot so it's understandable, right? I didn't focus on class a single bit throughout the rest of the lesson, I just focuses on him and his freatures. His jaw line was perfect and his hair was a beautiful dirty blonde colour. He literally looked like the main character from any American movie. But his personality was as perfect as his looks. AND HE WAS GAY! Okay, Peter, stoap. He probably doesn't have a crush on you anyways. Now shhhhh and pay attention.

Wade's POV

I caught Peter staring at me when I looked over at him. Not gonna lie, I was looking over to stare at him, but like totally in a homie sort of way. Definitely not in a gay way... Okay, yeah, u was gonna stare at him in a gay way. But, like, who wouldn't? I mean, he is really cute and his personality is, like, perfect. I'm pretty sure our other friends are catching on to us crushing on each other. I'm just gonna, ya know, pay attention to class now.

Okay, new chapter! I didn't make this to long because I'm tired and it's literally 12:54 am rn. Anyways this was just like a filler chapter, I'm gonna post a more action packed chapter later today :D

Word count: 721 words

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