Chapter 1

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Maries pov. 

Im laying in my bed in my room. A big bed and im single. Single in a big bed. I wake up and look at the clock. Its 10. Fuck im late. I run out from my bed. And takes on some random clothes. I take my black jeans and a black t-shirt. And take my guitar with me. I take it in the fodral. I run downstairs my mom is there. And drinking tea

"Marie take it easy!" she says. I look at her and sights. 

"I cant becuse im about to be late and first of all why didint you wake me up im late!" i say. She looks at me. 

"Im sorry i thought you started 12 today!" she says. I sight. 

"And dad where is he?" i ask her. She looks at me. 

"He is at work!" she says. I nod. 

Then i run too the bus. I take a seat. And some people are looking at me. Maybe bcs i posted some of my songs on spotify but they are only norwegians songs nothing special. I run to my school. And to my locker. And take out my jackets. Its pretty cold. Outside its january. I run to the cafeteria where i see my friends. They smile. 

"Marie here you are!" Lucas says. He is one of my friends in my social akward friend group. 

"Yes, im sorry if im being late my mom didint woke me up and i forgot too put the alarm on my phone but now im here what have i missed?" ask  him.  He smiles and looks at me. The typical Lucas is annoyed but he dosent want to show it look. He is  wearing his grey nike pants, black hoodie. And his nirvana necklace.  He is the one i have been closest friend too. I look around the cafeteria. Its not so many people around but i think  it will work out. 

"So we are gonna play in the cafeteria in 2 minutes!" he says. And fix his electric guitar. He tunes it. "In 2 minuets?"  i say. And take out my acustic guitar. I walk on the stage. And i get the feeling like i always get before i go up on stage. My hands is sweaty like always.  I now what people gonna say but im so use with the word. Even if its word. I sight. Then Lucas and Nemo walks up.  I tune my guitar a little even i my hands are shaking.  The drummer is Nemo he drops a stick. Nemo is having brown lighted hair in a middle.  And the electrict guitar ist is my friend Lucas. He looks at me. And nods. Im so nervous. I hope none notice it. "Okey gals!" i say. They turn there eyes on me. I can feel how they all stare at me. I look around. At the tables. There is only like 20 people here i still feel so fucking nervous. "Im gonna play one song today......"

"None wants to hear your shitty music music fags!" a girl yell. I get emidetly more nervous. I unforntunaly drop the mic. Fuck. Fuck. Lucas walks to me. And gives it to me. He nods. And whispers. 

"Dont give a shit about them okey!" he says. I nod and look at him. Then i smile and takes a deep breath. A guy laughs. And looks at me in the crowd. I look around. 

"Im gonna sing one song today and i just wrote it its called naked truth. And i hope you like it!" i say. And start playing the chords with my shaky. Fingers. Then i hear the little music in the speakears. And i start to sing. I forget about everthing. And keeps singing. I feel finally calm. When im singing. But when open my eyes and look into the crowd again. I see a girl. I have never seen before. She is so beutiful. And so amazing. I dont now what to do. My eyes cant get off her. She sits in a chair with three other girls. Something special is going on. I dont now what. 

Ibens pov. 

I walk to school. Im late. And at the first day in my new school. So embarrasing I putted on the alarm on my phone before i went to sleep. But i still sleep over it. I have to work with it. Im so bad at it. I look around. Its all so new here in Horten. I dont now how to describe it but its cute here. And i dont now why dad wanted to move here in bergen its bigger. Fore you who dont now what bergen is it is a town in norway. A beutiful one im from there. I growed up there. And my mom and dad did just a divorce so me and my brother moved to horten. I start to close to the school. The bulding is little. Its dosent seem to go so many students here though horten is a small town. I look around. And i see A man he looks  young. He is having ginger hair. And its curly. Then i nod to him. He wawes his hand. Proaly the teacher my mom talked about. He was gonna show me around. 

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