Untitled Part 2

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Ibens pov

Im fixing myself to the party. Victoria and i are gonna meet up before. Im taking on my knitted sweatshirt.And some jeans. I look at my fiol. I have music camp over the weekend so i have to be there tomorrow my mom says i really need it bcs i havent played fore a while. And thats its kind of emberesing that i play that instuments its so old. And its like none is playing it. I walk downstairs and see my big brother. He looks at me.

"Where are you going?" he asks. While he is knits something he sits in the sofa. I look at him and smile. He is 18 years old one year older then me. I look at him.

"Im going to a party where is mom and dad?" i ask him. He smiles. He is having polished nails. That is in black color then rings. He is wearing a white t-shirt then he is wearing jeans with holes. His hair is to his cheeks its fluffy.

"Mom is at a friends place and having dinner and dad he is at work!" he says. I nod. And take on my shoes. "Btw i heard that Marie spilled warm chochlate over you such a idiot she is!" he says. I look at him. Is it already rumors about it? Fuck. Its not good.

"But it was also my fault that i didint see her!" i say. And takes on my out clothes. And thinking of when she gave me a warm chochlate as a sorry fore the shirt. She is pretty cute. Even if she is pretty clumpsy. But that just makes it cuter

Maries pov

Im at the party. Im wearing my white short shirt. And some black jeans. Im looking around. Then im looking at Lucas. He is wearing a shirt and jeans. We are sitting in a sofa. And talking im drinking a beer. I cant be up too late. I have music camp tomorrow. Wich is pretty important i really wanna go on it. Ive been looking forward to it. So much

"So Marie do you wanna play spin the bottle later with us we are gonna start one with some people!" he says. And drinks some beers. I look at him. And look down at my beer. I cant stop thinking of the girl i crashed into she was so cute. And good looking. I wonder whats her name is. And her accent. Was so cute.

"Marie!" Nemo says. I look at him.

"Are you in spin the bottle later?" he says. I look at him.

''Yeah, ofcourse im in it!" i say. Then people are walking in. I see some older people that are 1 year older. I drinking the beer. A girl who is like hot walks in and looks at me. She most be gay. My vibes are screaming after her. But its not the girl i walked in to. Its another girl. She walks to me and takes a beer.

"Can i also take a beer ore are they just yours?" she asks. I smile.

"You can also take one!" i say. The girl smiles and takes one. She is wearing a coat and short hair. With blue eyes. And i just got so nervous around her.

"You are a good singer just dont care about what the others say!" she says. I smile at her.

"Okey, thank you now i got very red in the face!" i say to her. She smiles. So do i. Then more people walk in and the place its almost filled with people. The music is on. The girl told me her name. Her name is Emma. I look at her. We are talking and im still wondering if the girl i crashed into is coming to the party.

Ibens pov

Im walking with Victorias friends to the party. Its so cold outside even with my knitted t-shirt on.

"But so weird why would she just give you a warm chochlate instead of saying sorry?" Victoria says. I look at her and smile. We walk down to the party and i hear music. Its like any normal party my brother have been talking about he had right its like smells alchol its fulled with people and its high music. I look around in the room. Jises. How can people like this? Victoiras friends seems confident with what they want to. They walk striaght to the beers. I look up and see who sits near to the beers. Its Marie. I smile. She talks first with a girl. Then she sees me and looks at me and smiles. I look back at her. We make eyecontact fore a while. But then Victoria looks at me.

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