Maries Birthday party part 1

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Maries pov

Im waking up by my mom and siters opening up the door. They are singing happy birthday to you. Fore me. I sit up. I turn 18 today. I wake up from them singing. My hair is all over my face. I fix it. I look at them and smile. 

"Happy birthday my lovely daughter!" my mother says. And walks over to my bed and kisses my cheeks. I smile. Then Tina sits on the side of my big bed. I I look at them. They have three presents. To me.My dad is not around. But he is probaly at work. He works as a poilce officer.

"Your dad is not here now he is at work but he wishes you happy birthday!" she says. I nod then i look at my phone. Nemo and Lucas have write Happy birthday to me. Iben havent done it get. I smile. I open my presents and i got a sweatshirt. And a simpson mug with bart simpshon and some fingerboard stuff. I hug them and say thank you to them. But i cant stop thinking of Iben. And her lips. On mine. ¨

I just want her to be next to me again. I think of if she will break up with Nemo. Im tired of feeling this pain when i see her kiss him. Its super painful. I hate it. She is like cheating on me but at the same time not. Beacuse we are not official get. I play on the guitar the new song. Its kind of good i think people will like it. 

Ore atleast i hope they like it. Its on english i usally dont sing songs on english but i hope this will be a banger. I look at the clock and i see its time to go to school so i dont get late. On the wat to my school in the bus im listening to some Taylor swift songs. I  have been listeniing to her lately and clairo. 

People is looking at me and i think its fore the same reason as always beacuse im have posted some songs. The songs im playing in the school  cafeteria. The bus is outside my school. I walk to our corridor And open my locker. And put in my stuff. Then Iben is next to me. And i got scared by her. Then i look at her. And feel emidetly relaxed when she is next to me. She is hugging me.Her hugs are always so warm. And i always feel just as same when im with her. Filled of hapnises. 

"Happy birthday, my favoruite girl!" she says and takes pushes me in a friendly way on my shoulder. I smile at her. Bigger then i usaly doo. 

"Thank you!" i say. And she opens her locker. And take out her stuff. 

"No problem!" she says. And look around. We have said that in school we are gonna act like friends so none suspect anything. Then she looks at me. Into my eyes while she is packing her stuff. I do the same. I dont see where i take my hand so i put my hand in my locker so i drop out all of my stuff from the loker my books and stuff.I bend down to get my stuff. And then i suddenly feel a hand on mine when i take them and its not Iben. Its Emma. I look at her. And get suprised.  I stand up quikely and dont think before i hit my head in the locker. I sight. And move away the locker.  

"Shit, i didint mean to scare you!" Emma says. I look at her and smile. Then i take my head in the back of my neck. And look at her. 

"Its fine it dosent hurt at all, but what are you doing here?" i ask her. Then i see Iben walk on the side to me. She looks super fucking jealus. Its clearly all over the room. 

"Marie im going to my lesson now, but i will see you later!" she says. I nod at her. I look at Emma. And smile. She is so hot with her short hair. And the brown eyes.  

"Okey Iben see you later!" she says. Then Emma looks after Iben when she walks out and back to me. I smile and think of Iben now. Fuck im gonna miss her these lessons. Then Emma starts to talk again. 

"But Happy birthday Hottie!" Emma whispers in my ear. I smile and look at her. Then i take a deep breath. Beacuse i just want her as a friend but nothing else i hope she dosent sees me in a other way. 

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