Chapter 9 Iben and Marie

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Ibens pov

Im home laying in my bed. Why everyone else is in shool. I just dont feel like being there. I told my parents i have period cramps. So that i cant go there. Im just staring into nothing. I have closed the notes on my phone. Nemo probaly hates me more then ever. I dont wanna talk with him. Marie also probaly hates me. The person who walked behind me was Lucas. He was a pretty good support he said that stuff will sort out and i told him about Marie he said he knew it. And that she really loves me. So i dont have to worry about Emma. And that she will steal Marie away from  me. The door to my room knocks. I put my sheet over. My mom walks in. And take some food with her. I put over the sheet and im about to cry. 

"Iben, its gonna be better i know how painful periodcramps are!" she says. "I have some food here its good to drink you know!" she says. And walks out from my room. 

Maries pov. 

Im in the bus on the way to school. Did Iben really say those things outload to everyone? Why isnt she answering me. Im sitting and listen to Taylor Swift like always. Everyone now that i cheated on my bestfriends girlfriend. Its gonna be so chaotic. I walk to the corridor. And Iben is not around she usally takes the morning busses. So nice to leave all this too mee. But i wonder how she is. If she is fine im actually starting to get worried. I walk here. People are looking at me. I hate when people look at me.

 Especallly if it is in this kind of situation. I dont now its just the way they are staring at me. Something with there eyes like i know they hate me. Lucas hugs me. I hug him back. I really need his support right now. He is wearing his black trasher hoodie and lighted jeans with a belt. Im wearing my beige manchester pants and a red hoodie. Lucas looks at me and sights. 

"Marie, Nemo is not happy at you at all he litreally texted me he wants to kill you!" he says. I knew it. I sight. I still try to find hopes to see if Iben is around. But she is not. I look nervous and take my hand in the hair like im doing sometimes when im nervous. He looks at me. 

"No Iben?" he asks. I look at him and sights. 

"No i have tried to contact her the whole day but she dosent answer me wich is idiotic!" i say. He looks at me and then texting somone probaly Victoria from the party they had a hook up. She is really into him but i dont now if she is Lucas type of girl. 

Ibens pov. 

I feel like a shit that leaves Marie in this shit all alone today. I know i shouldnt but i just dont i cant handle it. I just wanna lay here. All day. I scroll through Maries instagram. Fuck she is so good looking.I zoom into her picture. And look at it and smile. I cant belive i just said to the half of the shool that im in love with her. But im kind of proud that i did. Im so proud that i told them. Now its just my parents left to came out too. And i feel like im ready to do it. Im really ready to take that big step to come out to them. But now i still just wanna lay in my bed. I cover myself with the sheets. So its only my head that is visible. My long hair is messy. Im wearing my white overzised t-shirt and only my underwear. My bed sheets is with frogs on. And so as the pillow. 

Im sitting up fore the first time of today and the clock is around 1. I look around in the room. And walk to my desk. I take the paper and start to skiss a face. Not gonna lie my second option was to go in a art school. But my parents said that nature would be better fore my grades and stuff. So i picked that. 

Maries pov. 

Im in school so far its going good. Nemo is not here get. We are having history. I hate it. Im almost falling asleep. But then i hear some girs whispering. 

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