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Well not until now...

I was crying every day hoping that he would wake up one day...

My dad drove me to school again and as we were having a test the principal came running in.

Principal:„y/n your dad is waiting outside! Get dressed!"

I fastly packed my things gave the teacher my test back cause I finished ten minutes ago but didn't want to give it to her cause noone else did.

I just hoped he didn't die or go into cardiac arrest again.

I felt as I started tearing up but tried to push them back.

that's exactly how I tried to push back the thoughts that shot into my head.

I fastly ran out and saw everyone in the car...well almost everyone.

Y/n:„what happened?"

Bucky:„,he woke up!"

I started crying and he fastly drove to the hospital where I jumped out of the car and ran into it.

I ran into his room where a doctor put a injection into his arm and he looked weakly up into the air.


The doctor pulled the injection out and pointed at us.

Doctor:„mr Rogers? Could you tell me who this is?"

He looked at us weakly and shook his head no.


Doctor;„i will leave you alone for a second!"

He walked out and closed the door.


I hugged his arm but he pushed me aside.

Steve;„im sorry...I don't know you guys! Could you please leave?"

Bucky:„steve...it's me! Bucky? Buck? James! I-"

He looked at his hand and wanted to pull his ring off but Bucky didn't let him do it.

Steve:„im married?! To which lady?"

Bucky;„you are married to me...and that's our-"

Steve:„i need a doctor! Police!"

I got scared and started crying.

Nat:„hey i heard he woke up!"

Steve:„what are you all doing here?! Where is Peggy?!"

Bucky:„peggy?...Steve you-"

Steve:„don't talk to me! I don't know you! Go away! Now!"

The doctor came into the room and led us out.

Doctor: "Don't put him under so much pressure! he-"

bucky:"what's wrong with him?! why doesn't he remember me?"

doctor;"his cardiac arrest, which usually lasted five minutes, must have damaged something in his brain because he also suffered from a lack of oxygen! you could try to help him and tell stories but most of the time it doesn't help!"

bucky:"what does that mean?"

Doctor: "There is a 30 to 60 percent chance that he will remember you!"


Doctor:„he might just be confused! in a week he could remember everything! it depends!"

bucky;"depends on what?"

Doctor: "How strong he is mentally!"

I saw him start to cry so I hugged his leg and we drove home.

Tony:„im sorry!"

He went upstairs and locked himself in his room.

I hugged buddy and started crying into his fur.

I knew dad wasn't feeling good so I walked over to his room.

Y/n:„dad...can you open up?"

I just heard whimpering so I started knocking on the door.

Y/n:„dad! Open up!"

Tony:„c'mon peach! He needs a bit time to be alone..."

He picked me up and wanted to bring me downstairs.



He stroked over my hair but I tried to get out of his grip.


I started crying and he sat me down on the couch with buddy.

Y/n:„he won't remember me..."

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