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We were talking a bit and then I walked inside with buddy.

As I entered my room, my dad's were still sitting there.

Bucky:„put buddy back!"



Y/n:„no! It's cold outside..."

Steve:„he hurt John!'

Y/n:„he didn't! John tripped over him!'

Bucky:‚y/n...come here!'

I walked up to them slowly and was already scared.

Steve;„you know that you made a mistake right?'

I didn't say anything for the next few minutes.

Steve:„y/n! You know that right?"

Y/n:„no...cause it's not my fault!'

Bucky;‚ok enough!'

He took buddy but I ran up to him and grabbed after his hand.

Y/n:„let him out! He will stay with me!'

I started crying again and buddy barking.

Steve:„y/n! Stop!"

He pulled me away and dad walked out with buddy again.

Daddy was holding me the whole time and as I looked out of the window I saw buddy in the garden looking sadly at dad who chained him up and gave him food.

Y/n:„buddy didn't do anything wrong!"

I was crying so much that I couldn't breathe normally anymore.

Steve:‚y/n time to calm down!'


Bucky:‚y/n! Buddy is right in front of your window!"

I was crying so much that dad walked out and came back with buddy.

I hugged buddy and calmed down a bit.

Bucky:„alright Steve let's go!'

They walked out and I felt bad...I never saw them being that angry...

I thought about apologizing to them but somehow I forgot and went to sleep.

In the morning I woke up, changed and walked downstairs to eat breakfast.



Daddy wasn't very happy and dad didn't talk at all...was it still because of that what happened yesterday?

Y/n:„can I have breakfast please?"

Dad gave me a box of cereals while looking trough his phone.

Y/n:„can i have the milk please?"

Noone said anything so I walked to the fridge and got it myself.

They were acting like little kids...

I fastly ate my breakfast and then ran out to catch the bus.

~steve pov~

Steve;‚did you really need to ignore her?"

Bucky;„she must know that she did something wrong!"

Steve:‚you are acting like a little kid!"

I walked upstairs, changed and went out for a run.

~y/n pov~

What if they won't talk to me for the rest of my life?

What if I-

Suddenly I got pushed to the ground.

Anna was laughing...great! Another school day!

I walked inside and sat down.

After school I walked out but got pushed to the ground.

It hurt cause there were pebbles all over the ground and they pressed against my skin.

I felt someone kicking me into my side, putting dirt into my hair and face.

As I wanted to stand up they kicked me into my face and I cried out.

It hurt so bad...my nose started bleeding and so did some other wounds in my face.

After five minutes where I felt just pain they left after another kick into my face.

I fastly stood up and with a blurry sight I drove home with the others.

As I got home I fastly ran into my bathroom...I was scared that my dad's would scream at me...or maybe they would send me to another school!

I wiped the blood away with a towel and started washing my face while crying a bit...

Suddenly I heard something

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