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Welcome Everyone to "If I was in demon Slayer". My name (Characters name) is Hoshi Suzuki. Hoshi means star btw. Idk Japanese so do not expect many Japanese words.

I use Star Breathing.

1st Form: First Light : A quick draw technique aimed straight for the head.

2nd Form: Orbiting Stars: Take a step forward then a quick rotation. This should give you more speed.

3rd Form: Twin Suns: Two upward slashes dealt to both armpits, taking out both arms.

4th Form: Shooting Star: Using the blunt end of the sword strike downward with full force.

5th Form: Solar Flare: Two quick cuts, one dealt to the feet and then the other one for the neck.

6th Form: Twinkle: A complex acrobatic move that is designed to confuse and stun your opponent. First swing your sword from your top left or top right, then just as your about to make contact, put all of your momentum from your sword into your body and flip over him, midway through the flip continue the blade through the shoulder blade.

7th Form: Gamma Ray: A stabbing technique that involves charging at the opponent, followed by a very powerful stab.

8th Form: Expanding Star: A difficult technique including a 2 step cut and a high wind speed slash able to cut skin. First raise the blade high then with all your strength take 2 quick but huge steps then as fast as possible swing the sword downward and if you have done it correctly the opponent should be cut either by the blade or by the air slash you produced.

9th Form: Last Light: A fast slash, fast enough that it cannot be seen.

10th Form: Supernova: High speed rotations designed for no opening, all while pressing the opponent.

(This is one I created myself) 11th form: Supernova Light: A combination off both 9th and 10th form used to decapitate a demon or disarm an opponent but using up a lot of energy. Usually used for desperate measures.


The writing gets better, I promise. Bye everyone. 

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