midnight calm the fuck down😕

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Yall I'm so fucking sorry on how late this is like its insane on how late it is again sorry 😅♡

After a while followed by the silence was nezu laughing his ass off "oh god, honestly I dont know why I'm surprised" he whip the tears from his eyes and opened his drawer looking for something "what are you looking for" midnight mustered out, he looked at izuka giving the look to explain to midnight "well love, hes finding the adoption paper, so when we win the case we are able to well, you know adopte him" she nodded and looks back at nezu "how long do you think it will take" nezu placed the paper in front of them and placed his hand together "well I would say of 5 to a year at the minimum" midnight groaned and swung her head back. Izuka nodded and midnight sulked "what if you dont get him, then what" nezu took a breath and thought "then in that case is that you can foster him but that also could take a while"
Izuka turned to her and put a hand to her shoulder "dont worry love I'm sure we will win and if not like nezu said we'll be able to foster" she gave a warm smile midnight nodded and smiled not saying anything else
Nezu slid the papers and pens across the table, Izuka looked over to midnight making sure they were still in it together,, midnight gave her smile and turned to her own paper already signing them. Izuka felt her heart beating faster the long she looked at the paper, she finally picked up the pen and started smiling, but she had this feeling something is wrong like she shouldn't sign these, something telling her to stop
   They left the room in silence midnight and Izuka hand in hand it was wasn't tell the were in the hall midnight broken the silence "Izuka thank you for to day I'm really happy, were finally have a kid!!" Midnight turned around and wrap her into a hug, izuka hugged back hesitantly as she felt her stomach flutter sickly and the feeling of being watched, but she quickly put a smile on her face hugging her head into her neck. They pulled back as Izuka checked the time realizing its passed lunch, "shit!, we need to get to class" izuka pulled her into a kiss and turn running to class "bye bye love"

(Izuka 1st person pov)
As I walk into class, the class already was started so I quickly and quietly went to my spot and opened my book but could focus I needed to know where sero is, after the class ended for the day she hurried out the door with all the assignments for sero to do when he gets back.
  When I arrived to the dorm it was silence no kid staying over the weekend and that's okay I needed it anyways it was a while before sero got back I was sitting on the couch when he did, I heard him drop the bag on the end of the chair across the room and kick off his shoes sitting down "jeez what a day" he looked at me and I pointed my eyes to the direction of the assignments on the coffee table and groaned and Dramatically slid off the chair to the ground and started the work "where were you today" I asked sipping my drink "watching moms new kid so she can fuck around" he said looking back down at the paper "um hm,..we got the papers signed for the adoption process." He looked up in worry "dont worry we could also try and get your new sibling" he let put a relived sigh and nodding continued the assignments we sat in a comfortable silence only for it to be broke by nem "HEYY~, got takeout dinner" we both flinch in surprise and soon joined at the table "holy fuck did you bye for the class" sero said laughing. Nem still pulling out stuff from the bags "yeah kinda ..I forgot it was the weekend" we all burst out laughing and sat down ready to eat
It was a wonderful night filled with laughter and whispers, we finally settled down and watched a movie sero between my legs and nem on my shoulder asleep "I had fun tonight ma thank you" I felt him go limp in my legs "of course" I felt my body also go limp and my eyes fluttering to darkness......

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