Halloween 🎃 special (modern AU)

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Izuka finished add the finishing touches to her costume, she decided to dress up as a witch. She sighed and put her hat on 'god what can she be doing their already ready'
She walked over to the kids with makeup brush "come here uraraka" she nodded and skipped over, izuka pointed at the seat as she laid everything out for her, after uraraka was settled she started the zombie makeup "awe dont you look cute" she says pressing both her hand on her cheeks making do fish lips she leaned down and gave multiple kisses to the face "mama!!!" She said turning pink giggling trying to push her off, Izuka strained out and looked down giving her a warm smile pushing her hair back "I'm so proud of you" she felt her eyes burn are blur uraraka quickly put her hand to her moms face "oh mama, its okay" izuka laughed and nodded wiping her tears and adjusting her dress, she pick up the brush looking down at her "shall we continue" urarka put her hands on her hip and gave a prideful nod "we shall".

"Omg...mom what did you do" you could hear sero shriek across the house "oh jeez" izuka playfully rolled her eyes sero ran out of the bathroom and behind Izuka whis still doing urarakas makeup, izuka was going to say something but heard urarka burst out laughing and nemi screaming sorry, confused cause she still haven't seen him turns around, izuka slapped a hand to her mouth catching her laugh "oh-oh wow y-you know what its n-not that bad" Izuka eyes filling with small tears as she continues to look at him, there sero was laying on the ground almost playfully crying wrapped in purple toilet paper(was going to be a mummy) uraraka was finally catching her breath when kitty nemi ran out the bathroom also crying saying sorry, a few seconds later everyone broke into a laughter.
Izuka looked across the table to the kitchen clock gasping when realizing the time "oh my god we have to get going" everyone sat up and quickly grabbed their candy bags and head out the door and started trick or treating not before taking a couple hundred photos
Nemi looked over to the kids "where are we going than" Sero looked at his phone getting good updates from his class "umm 1A is saying that the place bedside the highway and behind the school is good" izuka nodded as they got closer to the car "okay then let go" they all got into the car and headed to the spot, once they arrived uraraka and sero got out izuka a nemi stayed the car driving behind them "we're tight behind you" nemi yelled out from the car as she got out her phone for pictures sero and uraraka went to every house with their porch light on making sure to only knock once, taught them a trick always make sure to bring more then 2 bags, and when one of you candy bags is halfway filled grab another and start over and every house you go to they'll think you didn't get much and they'll give you a little more. after a while they looked and were tired so decided to go home "how was it guys" she looked to the back mirror and saw that they've passed out cold "oh jeez"
They finally made it back to the house turning the last road having the kids wake up "we're here then, oh! Your a wake" they started stretching almost hitting each other in the face "move it ser- *yawn*" no you ur-*yawn*" nemi giggled "y'all are funny" izuka let out a laugh to pulling in the drive way "let get inside so we can sort and trade" sero and uraraka walked in with about 6 halfway filled bags and got on separate sides on the floor doing the bags out, while they were sorting izuka got a warm washcloth and walked over to uraraka and started to wash the makeup and paint off her face "mamma I can't see" izuka just tooled her eyes "oh shush I'm almost done"  she took the cloth back and tossed it towards the sink making it she sat on the couch next to nemi, putting her hands up she stretched and yawned "god I'm tired" she put her hands back down and leaned against her "same, god they take energy" "right" after some talking they noticed they were all sorted and now trading they watched in fascination.
It was getting late and the whole house was tired and non wanted to move do izuka ended up putting Hocus pocus on instead and payed next to each other munching it candy and popcorn. They love each other and they had the best Halloween they ever could have had 🎃🎃🎃 .

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