get in losers!!, we're going SHOPPING!!!♡😍🛍

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Sero POV

Last thing I remember is watching movie, I probably fell asleep; honestly checks out since I woke up on the floor with nemis legs across my back as she lays on the couch drooling enjoying her nice sleep. I let out a hiss moving away from the couch sitting up. I sat there watching the mildew slowly fade off the window; the cold but warm sun leak through, it was the feeling of late morning. A feeling I once recognized, the whole House up, kids outside, adults talking and make a fest of breakfast; the good times. I sighed after a whole minute I stood up feeling a little wobbly. Once I made it to the kitchen I winced putting my hand up to my mouth chewing on the nail, hand on hip "oh fuck we forgot to clean up a bit" I quickly made my way to he long dinner table picking up all the garbage left over from dinner, every once in a while I looked into the commons not wanting them to wake up.

A couple mins later I finally had the garbage off the table and was about to wipe it down when I went over by the sink mama was already there with a hot wash cloth in hand shutting off the sink looking at me "need this" she said yawning cause me to, "yup" I put my hand out, she looked at me like I was stupid "no" she walked past me and started wiping the table by herself. I ran after her "mama!!, come on let me do it" she shook her head "no no this is not your problem yours is getting more, and COMFORTABLE sleep" she said yelling 'comfortable' at nemi in reply with a small sorry, she just shook her head more with a small smile. I just roll my eyes with a smile and move on to clean something else, only for me to get scolded and taken over "ok ok I'll go". I jogged over to the elevator and pressed my floor getting tired by the second remembering the way I missed this feeling. I made to my floor wobbling down the hall to my door searching for my keys, alone entering my room I get him with a fowl smell of stunk "of course, I fucking forgot" I walked back out with a pair of clothes, going next doors to minas. Remembering she isn't here I find the extra key she have to me and unlocked the door heading for the shower already with a headache. I returned from the shower ready to lay down. Once I'm adjusted in her bed I text her letting her know, next thing I know, I'm putting headphones in and passing out

It wasn't a long nap but long enough for me to be awake well rested, I was woken up to pounding the next door(which would be my dorm if I wasn't in minas) I rooled over, I grab my stuff and walk out not before fixing the room and locking my door on my way out "jeez one way to wake a guy" nemi wiped around looking at me like I've gone mad "sero Jesus Christ" she put her hand on her chest and finally in what seemed like years breathed in "what were you doing in her room!?!?" I panicked "um, it was dirty, I wanted to shower, had no shampoo and her bed in nicer" I opened my door and threw my clothes in there from out side and slammed the door shut "umm ok then" she just shook her head and walked down the hall me following along "what did you need anyways" she looked at me and back forwards"we are going shopping we need food and what not" we made it down stairs "get ready she'll be here in sec" she said assume it was about mama I got my shoes on and walked back into he kitchen grabbing a glass of water nemi came in checking her purse "you ready kid, let's get going"
"Yup" I take one last sip and dumped the rest, putting the cup on the counter heading out the door" I look around seeing a black car pull up "get in losers!!!, we're going SHOPPING!" I laughed knowing were it came from "oh my god" Nemi said putting a hand over her eyes keeping her head down getting into the car embarrassed

When we got to the store it was almost time for dinner so we tried to make it quick after getting everything we needed we decided to get instant ramen for dinner " ok let's get home" mama said pulling out of Walmart the ride home was fun listening to sum 80s city Japanese pop my favorite was probably honkide only you by mariya takeuchi (not self inprove here lol) when we got home we all quickly put away the groceries and made our ramen "feel free to eat in the living room but don't spill" mama mentioned so we went and put on some movies
I'm so happy the happiest I've been in forever, I made happy to be here, I am happy to have them. I am happy for finally wanting to be alive.

Okay guys that's it hope it wasn't to bad. Hope sero gets what he deserves.♡ ser you next time.

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