Waffle house

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"The two men over there invited you to sit with them." The host said pointing to Ethan and a dark skinned man with dreads.

"Thank you well be with them." Dani said as she began to help her drunk friend to the booth.

"Hey, Dani right?" Ethan asked. He flashed his perfect teeth as his lips spread into a welcoming smile.

"Yep and this is Aubrey." She said nodding to her abnormally happy friend.

"A few to many white claws?" The dark skinned man laughed, " And I'm Zach." He announced holding his hand out for them to shake. Aubrey took his hand and invited herself into the spot text to him. Dani sat next to Ethan trying to keep her checks as pale as possible.

"Can I get y'all started on drinks?" The waitress asked. "Ethan Cutkosky?! Can I get a picture?" She asked excitedly.

"Uhm... sure I guess." Ethan said obviously a little over being famous.

"Oh uh hun can you move?" She said to Dani.

"Oh uh yeah." Dani got out of the booth sand stood to the side fiddling with her fingers.

"Actually can this wait until after?" Ethan said motioning for Dani to sit back down.

"Oh uh so what can I get y'all to drink?" The waitress said awkwardly.

"White claw!" Aubrey announced.

"She's kidding both of us will take water." Dani said kicking Aubrey under the table.

"Did you kick me?"she looked at Zach who was just as confused as her.

"Sweet tea." Ethan said grabbing Dani's inner thigh. Dani jumped slightly even with her thigh jeans on her could still feel his hand heavy on her thigh.

"Water." Zach said now finding drunk Aubrey amusing.

"So what hotel are you guys staying at?" Dani said trying not to squirm.

"We're staying at my new house." Ethan said calmly. "I love LA but I need to move somewhere smaller." Dani lived in a town a few hours from LA. It wasn't small but it wasn't the big city Ethan was used to.

"You should move in with us." Aubrey announced casually. Once again Dani kicked her from under the table only this time she did it hard.

"Ow you bitch." Aubrey said to Zach still sure it was him. Zach have a confused look to Dani but just rolled his eyes at Aubrey. Dani laughter at the two. She never really laughter around guys. It was all ways a giggle or a fake laugh. Her laugh was loud and often obnoxious.

"I like your laugh." Ethan said tightening his grip on her thigh. Dani slowly stopped laughing but kept her smile.

"Thank you." She replied blushing. For a moments they just stared at each other. Just looking into the eyes of the person in front of them. But all good things must come to an end. Zach cleared this throat as he eyed the two down.

"Here's those drinks. You guys ready to order?" A new waitress said.

"I am." Everyone but Aubrey said.

"Burger." Aubrey said. Nothing else just burger.

"What kind?" The waitress laughter at Aubrey.

"Cheese with ketchup and a bunch of fires." Aubrey looked proud of herself.

"Ketchup and cheese only?" The waitress confirmed.

"Yup." Aubrey said taking Ethan's tea. "I want this too." She said pointing at the tea she has just finished. 

"It's sweet tea." Ethan said, "I'll get some pancakes with bacon and scrambled eggs." Ethan said passing up his menu. Dani started to get nervous. She was hungry and tended to eat a lot. She wanted to order a bunch of food but didn't want to scare Ethan.

"Just a salad for me." Dani said. Passing up her menu as well.

"Plain?" The waitress asked.

"With chicken and cucumbers. Please." Dani said quickly.

"And for you sir?" She said nodding at Zach.

"Huh?" Zach said he was distracted taking to Aubrey. "Oh same thing as Aubs." He said winking at her.

"Will that be all?" She asked looking around at he table.

"Yes." They all said in unison. The waitress walked away and Ethan took out his phone. He moved his hand from Dani's thing and put it around her waist. He pulled her close and smiled flashing his white teeth.

"Smile Dani!" He said smiling wider now. Dani smiled looking at Ethan. Before she had a chance to look at the camera Ethan snapped the picture.

"Wait let me take it!" Aubrey said snatching the phone away. "Pose." Ethan smiled and Dani wrapped her arms around Ethan's face.

"Fucking cringey." Zach joked.

The four of them ate their dinner and talked non stop. They acted like they'd know each other for years. After dinner. Aubrey had sobered up and walked to the passenger side of her car with Zach at her side.

"Wait! Can I get your number?" Aubrey asked.

"Sure." Zach smiled putting his number in her phone. "Look at those two they're so cheesy." He said pointing to Ethan and Dani who were talking in front of the now rising sun. Zach handed her phone back and just as he did Dani finally went in for a kiss.

She cupped her hands against his face as they locked lips. Ethan's hands naturally fell  to her hips. The kiss was quick but romantic. The two were both bright red afterwards as Ethan walked Dani to her car.

"Be safe Dani." He said closing the car door.

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