Breakfast date

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Dani woke up, she had her hands under her pillows and one leg out of the blanket. She groaned as she woke up, her back in pain due to the uncomfortable plane seats.

She grabbed her phone seeing a recent text from Ethan.

Ethan 🫶🏽
Morning love
We're heading out for breakfast at 10 you should join ;)

Dani check the time 9:30. "Holly shit!" Dani fell out of bed and ran to her suitcase. She pulled out a white crop top and dug for the pair of jeans to go with it. She grabbed a fresh pair of underwear and a tan bra that matched her skin ton, hoping it wouldn't be visible through her shirt. She threw off her pajamas and changed as fast as she could. She pulled on her socks and shoes. She brushed her teeth, and grabbed her mascara. Her applied her mascara and lip gloss, just before grabbing her green hat. She fixed her self in her mirror before gabbing her phone and walking out to the living room.

"Look who decided to join us?" Zach smart mouthed.

"Oh fuck off." Dani said bitting her bottom lip as she held up both middle fingers.

"Lady's lady's your both gorgeous, now shut the fuck up." Ethan walked out of his room in a large T-shirt and black jeans with black converse.

"I'm hungry isn't that what I'm up for? Food?" Dani asked her eyes jolting between the two.

"Oh yeah come on I got the best place." Ethan said grabbing the car keys off of the counter and walking of the out the door.

Dani and Zach looked at each other for a split second before shrugging and following him to the parking garage. He got in the drivers side turning the keys before e getting out and opening the passenger door for Dani.

Dani got in and opened her phone answering all of her texts and notifications form the night before.

"Where are we going again?" Dani asked finally putting her phone down.

"We're almost there." Ethan replied not looking away from the road.

"Your not gonna tell me?" Dani dramatically opened her mouth. "Fine." Dani put in her AirPods. She turned on Spotify and started singing Skin by Rihanna out loud. "And now you want it like." Dani sang before moaning. Ethan looked at her smirking at the sexual song she was singing. "You know I like it rough." Dani began to move her hips to the best only she could hear. "So why you standing over there with yo clothes on?" She sang now turning around to Zach.

"Please shut the fuck up." He said blandly, Dani scrunched her nose at his attitude before turning back around to face Ethan.

"No heels, no shirt, no skirt, all I'm in is just skin. No jeans take 'em off, I wanna feel your skin." Dani said running her hands down her self. She paused for a moment looking at Ethan who kept moving in his seat. "Just put your skin baby on my skin!" She sang loudly dramatically slamming her hand onto Ethan's lap without thinking. After feel a bulge through his jeans she moved her hand attempting not to make it obviously what she had felt, she continued singing until they arrived at none other than a Waffle House.

Hey guys I'm taking a little break for a few days I'll update this book on Sunday

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