Breakfast date pt.2

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"Seriously Waffle House?" Dani asked looking at Ethan.

"Seriously." Zach and Ethan said in sync. Ethan got out of the car running to the other side making sure dani didn't get out before he could open the door.

Dani got out of the car and playfully bowed her invisible skirt. Ethan bowed back with his had across his abdomen. They both smiled and laughed as Zach rolled his eyes at the two.

"As your best friend I have to tell you to cut the cringey shit out." Zach said genuinely smiling for once.

"Did you just smile?" Dani asked smirking as she turned around to follow Ethan into the building. Zach followed Dani finally not being so businessman like. He put his phone in his pocket and stood tall.

"Table for three. Outside of you have any open ones." Ethan said, pushing his sun glasses into his hair. The Host nodded and grabbed their menus. He lead them to their table outside.

"Your Waiter will be with you soon." The host said placing down their menus and walking away.

The group sat in silence for a long second, "What is your obsession with Waffle House?" Dani said finally breaking the silence. Zach smiled holding back a laugh.

"I grew up next to one. I met the producer to Shameless there. I met Zach there too." Ethan said after shooting Zach a look reading shut the fuck up.

"Hi I'm Alex I'll be your Waiter today. What can I get started for you?" The Waiter said interrupting their conversation. They all looked at each other seemingly having a silent-mind-reading conversation.

"Water for all three." Dani smiled shoving her hands under her thighs. The Waiter nodded and left. Dani started shivering. Even though it was mid May she was used to L.A.s year round warm weather. She started shivering slightly. Her teeth started chattering as she she bounced her leg attempting to create more body heat.

"God damn are you cold?" Zach asked as her teeth sang.

"A little." Dani managed to replied between chatters.

"Oh uh here." Ethan put his phone down and took of jacket. He stood up and walked over to Dani placing it around her. "Oh that's hot." Ethan said sarcastically, even though he was serious. Ethan pulled out his phone snapping a picture of Dani.

If you haven't already read my announcements of my profile. I pulled an all nighter to write a bunch of quick chapters

Musicians lover (Ethan Cutkosky fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu