New york city, baby

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Ethan sat next to Dani on the plane. It was about 9:00 at night. Dani grabbed her blanket from her bad bag and lay it over her and Ethan.  Ethan smiled at her, not saying anything, not really needing too.

Dani texted her friends and family once again as the flight attendant went over safety procedures. "The flight will take off in a few minutes, please put your phones at airplane mode." She finished.

Dani took a deep breathe and closed her eyes, she took a fist-full for her blanket, squeezing it tightly. Ethan looked away from his phone and at her hand, "first flight?" He asked placing his hand on hers.

"Yep, I'm fine." Dani said letting go of the blanket, she flipped her hand over and held his.  She squeezed it slightly before relaxing every muscle in her body. The plane began to take off, running fast before lifting off the ground.

"It's okay, I'm here." Ethan whispered trying to comfort her. Dani smiled, she turned to him she grabbed the side of his fast with her free hand. She looked into his eyes before placing a deep kiss on his lips. She felt a smile form on his before they parted lips.

Dani slept most the plane ride. Through she never let go of Ethan's hand. When the first plane landed it was about midnight, Dani's eyes were still heavy from her short nap.

After grabbing her bags and going back through security, she went to the bathroom and did her nightly skincare. The girls the the bathroom started at her as she took a puff of her vape before brushing her teeth, "what?" She asked her eyes now more awake.

"What's the point in brushing your teeth if your gonna ruin them by smoking?" An old lady asked.

"We'll I don't go fucking crazy when I vape." She turned around slowly making eye contact with the woman, "any more questions? No? Okay then." She stuck her toothbrush in her mouth. Scrubbing her teeth, she spit out the tooth paste before turning on the sink. She rinsed with the room temp water she had in her bag. She started washing her face, then moisturizing, and topping it off with her serum and sun screen.

She walked out of the bathroom and went straight to Ethan. She sat down aggressively obviously activated at something.

"You okay?" Ethan asked quickly, honestly scared for the answer.

"I hate bitches." Dani said blandly, she turned to Ethan and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Jesus no one wants to see that." Zach interrupted.

"For fucks sake Zach." Dani parted lips with Ethan.

"Just saying." Zach replied grinning.

"Stop saying." Dani formed an obviously fake smile on her lips.

Ethan yawned and lay his head on Dani's shoulder, closing his eyes. Dani ran her hands through his becoming tiered as she did so. Her eyes became heavy she rested her head on his closing her eyes.


"Come on the planes about to start boarding." Zach shook the pair.

"Huh?" Ethan sat up bumping his head into Dani's. "Shit sorry." He said rubbing his head.

"Grab your shit the plane is boarding." Zach said grabbing his carry on. Dani got up grabbing her bag, she stood behind Zach still half asleep. She pulled up the ticket on her phone and practically fell asleep standing up.

"Next!" The flight attendant yelled loudly waking Dani from her nap. She held out her phone as it was scanned, she started at Zach's feet following as she followed him. She remembered to text her protective family just as she found her seat on the plane once again next to Ethan.

She barely stayed awake for the safety demands, as soon as the light turned off, Dani's heavy eyes shut and she was fast asleep. She fell asleep with her head on Ethan's shoulder, her knees to her chest, and her hand locked with Ethan's.

Dani awoke to a bumpy plane landing, her mom told her that would happen on a night flight. She opened her eyes slowly, Ethan's head was on the window he still hadn't woken up.

"Ethan, baby we're here." She was still tiered and didn't realize the key name she had called him.

"Baby?" He asked, his eyes were still closed and his voice sounded a little different. Not a bad different, it was actually a little attractive.

"What? Oh uh... we're here." Dani said now red at her mistake.

"Baby. I like it." Ethan said sitting up yawning. Dani's as even more confused now, she didn't think they were dating. On top of that, she had accidentally called him a pet name. She had confused herself and was almost certain she had confused Ethan. She seemed to have no filter when she was half asleep.

"But we aren't dating." Dani said now unbuckling her seat belt.

"Not yet." Ethan grabbed his bag and walked off the plane.

"Not yet? What is that supposed to mean?!" Dani yelled the last bit after him.

When she and finally caught up to Ethan and Zach she was to tired to ask again. Zach didn't look tiered at all. He pulled out his phone as he lead the group to the baggage area.

"Grab your bags I'll drive to the air BNB." He said grabbing his bag, which continently came out first. "I'm going to get the rental I'll meet you two out front." Zach said.

"He's an asshole when he's tiered, that's the one thing I hate about him being my manager." Ethan said looking for his bag.

"He's your manager?" Dani asked. She had always thought they were just friends that went everywhere together.

"He's my best friend too, but work comes first when it comes to him." Ethan said pulling Dani's heavy bag off the conveyor. "God damn Dani. What did you bring a person?" Ethan laughed.

Dani's sleep deprived mind thought what he said was hilarious, she broke out into a loud laughter causing everyone to look at the pair. She laughed so hard she started snorting. She covered her mouth to stop the sounds. Still laughing Ethan smiled. Stopping the loud laughs by meeting her lips with his.

"I got my bag let's go meet Zach." He said parting lips. Dani replied with only a smile. They walked to the main exit, not even needing to call Zach as the bright red convertible was already parked out front.

"Finally fuckers." Zach turned his phone off, turning the keys of the car.

Dani hopping in the back buckling up and texting her family another update. She lay on the side of the car and closed her eyes. The top was down and wind was blowing in her face. She wasn't falling asleep but enjoying the sounds of New York.

After a few minutes of driving they pulling into a parking garage parking on the first floor which was surprisingly empty. Grabbing all of their bags they entered the apartment building and went into the elevator. Three doors up they got off the elevator and walked a few doors down the a door marked 4c. Zach turned the key and opened the door.

Dani walked in first siting down on the coach, " where's my room?" She asked looking at Zach.

Zach shrugged and walked into the nearest room, "I want this one." Zach announced closing the door behind him.

"Night E." Dani said placing a small kiss on Ethan's cheek. She picked the room farthest from the door. It was a very modern room, all of the furniture bad some sort of light brown wood in it. She set her bag down near the small walk in closet. She dug threw it find the nearest pair of pajamas. She grabbed a tank top and Disney themed pajama pants.

Dani removed her clothing. She took off her bra placing the tank top over it and sliding the pants over her underwear. She grabbed her phone changer out of her bag and plugged it into the bedside table. She turned off the lights and cuddled into her bed falling fast asleep.

1361 words this chapter 🥳🥳🥳🥳

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