The Housemaid - Chapter Three

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A…boy band?

“They’re called The Wanted. Have you heard of them? You might have heard their songs on the radio…or maybe in dance clubs if you like that sort of thing!”

Christine sat back on her chair, stunned. No wonder they looked at least cute and attractive—no, that’s not what you’re here for. She thought to herself.

Sandy continued cheerfully, “And you can tell by their accents that they’re from the U.K.! They’re all British, except for Siva, who’s Irish—you’ll meet the rest of them after this, if you’d like to.”

“Oh, um…sure?” Christine wasn’t sure whether or not she should tell Sandy that she might have already met Jay and Nathan on her way to this very room, which, quite frankly, felt like a day already passed. She looked at Sandy and placed her hands on her lap, “I guess it’s official then? I’m in?”

“Yes! And for a first-time job interviewee, you’ve made a very impressive cover letter. You’re one to beat, sweetie.” Sandy grinned.

Christine smiled widely. Mission accomplished. She was already off for a good start. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

She stood up, went around the desk and hugged Sandy excitedly. Sandy rubbed her back in exchange. “You’re very welcome! Now if you can wait here, I’ll go get Aaron back and we can discuss your salary and arrangements for your new room.”

When Sandy left the room with the door closed behind her, Christine jumped for joy. She shook in excitement, and even ran around the desk. Finally, she stood and sent her older brother, whose name was Eric, a text. “I got the job!!!!!! I’ll tell you all about it when I get home! :)

Christine giggled to herself after sending that text. She couldn’t believe it: she got herself a job just after deciding to get one. She wanted to celebrate, but how? She looked up from her phone and immediately her eyes widened: she was in a room full of books.

She walked in between the bookshelves and felt that sense of wonder and curiosity. It was almost as though she was in a maze of bookshelves, even when it was in such a small room; there were more bookshelves standing against the wall. She noticed that most of these books were a mixture of new paperbacks and old, nearly worn hardbacks. She was completely intrigued by each book and couldn’t wait to be submerged into them when she starts living here. She traced her index finger along the spines of the book.

When she starts living here…that day was not too far from now; that day was maybe before Monday…

“Christine?” She heard Sandy call for her. It surprised her how much books affects her like that. She fixed her top and hair before walking out from the bookshelves. “Christine?...Where did that girl go?”

“I’m here! I’m here!” Christine chuckled lightly as she revealed herself from the bookshelves. “I had a moment with the books.”

Her cheeks flushed the moment she mentioned books. Sandy chuckled. “No worries, darling. If you want, I can have you assigned to this room.” This just brightened up Christine’s day even more.

“Ah, good, you’re here. One of the lads went missing after I spoke with them and I almost thought he kidnapped you.” Aaron gave her a soft smile. “But more on that later; shall we get down to business?”

They sat around the desk again, but Christine’s mind went back to what Aaron just mentioned: which one went missing?

Aaron quickly noticed the expression on her face and continued to smile, “It’s Tom. He likes to sneak off sometimes. He’s a bit spontaneous.”

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