The Housemaid - Chapter Four

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NOTE: Well, this took me a while because I have to admit I was struggling for this chapter. It was until last week that an idea popped up and this was what I came up with. Enjoy. :)


Christine’s eyes widened, with her mouth shaped in a large ‘O’. Her car, her beautiful car…

But wait, her car was parked near the end of the large curve; this car had almost the same color, and wasn’t even a Honda…

She looked to her left to see her actual car still parked and thankfully untouched. She let out a sigh of relief, but Jay had his nails between his teeth. She noticed the anxious look on his face. “…Jay? Do you know whose car this is?”

“S-Sandy’s. I think you’d better go now, Chris…” Jay urged. “You do not want to see Sandy when she sees this.”

“Oh, okay. Um, well…it was nice meeting you, Jay.” Christine let out her hand. “I look forward to…”

Jay shook her hand in return. “...Working with you.”

“Right.” She chuckled with a smile, watching their hands linger. She quickly released her hand. This was strictly professional, nothing more…

“Right.” Jay nodded with a close-mouthed smile. They stood facing each other awkwardly.

Christine continued to smile along and nodded slowly. “I’ll see you.”

She finally turned around and began to walk to her car. She could still feel Jay’s eyes on her, watching her, but not in a creepy way. It gave her chills, which was something she never felt before. It sort of terrified her.

Christine turned back as she unlocked her car, and saw Jay still standing there, but was looking the other way. She heard distant voices: it must be Sandy nearing. Jay ran through the bushes; Christine heard him trying to stall. As she got into the car, he still hadn’t come back. Looks like his stalling had somewhat worked.

She made a U-Turn and began to drive away from the mansion. Right at the end of the driveway and into an empty residential street, she began to process what had just happened.

She got a job; she got a full-time job as a housemaid, living with an attractive boy band that may distract her from her work—

No, she won’t let them ruin her first job. She’s not looking for a relationship, not to mention getting too close to someone. She knew herself better than anyone, and clearly…she was still trying to get over her last relationship, or she should already be…

Her stomach was growling; it was already half-past twelve, and she hasn’t had lunch yet. She hoped that her brother had cooked her up something good.

In less than 30 minutes, she was home. Thankfully traffic wasn’t so bad. She locked her car and began to climb up the narrow stairs from the garage that led to her apartment floor. As she reached her floor, she noticed that there were silver and pink balloons in the hallway. Confused, she walked past them, wondering why they were sitting outside.

By the time she reached her apartment door, she found that the balloons ended there. She covered her mouth and began to connect the dots: were the balloons for her? She pushed the door open, and a burst of confetti was thrown on her face.

“Surprise! Congratulations, sis!” Her siblings, Eric, Ben, and Joanna shouted all in unison. 

“Oh my…” Christine couldn’t believe her eyes; the living room was decorated with shiny curly blue ribbons, tables were covered in decorative table sheets, and a big banner right behind her festive looking siblings in coned hats and party whistles that reads, “CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST JOB CHRIS!!!

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