Season 2 - Part 5

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Note: I DO NOT own The Owl House or One Punch Man so don't report me, this is for entertainment purposes only. 

Also, I should let you know that this will be an original chapter that takes place after Season 2, Episode 5 of The Owl House.

That episode is mostly the same as canon. The only differences being that Amity doesn't lose her job at the library and Luz already knowing Amity has feelings for her since chapter 10 of this What If.

And also, Luz returned home the same day Vee, disguised as Luz, returned from summer camp. A lot of confusion ensued to which everything deescalated after Luz & Vee explained their stories.

With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

We begin in Hexside with Luz teaching in her after school martial arts class.

The human teen showing everyone special stretching techniques, that are unique to the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, to her students.

That consisting of Eda, King, Lilith, Willow, Gus, Amity, Edric, Emira, Boscha, Skara, Viney, Jerbo, Barcus, Mattholomule, Eileen, Amelia, Bo, Cat and a dozen other students. Having a total of 30 students in all.

Luz: All right everyone, time's up. That'll be all for today. Be sure to practice on your own at home from time to time and enjoy your weekend.

She says before the majority of her students left the room.

Luz: You guys did great. King, you have a lot of room for improvement.

King: I know! I'm doing my best here!

Luz: So anyway, I wanted to talk to you guys about something important.

Eda: Lay it on us, kiddo.

Luz: Okay, so the next Super Fight will be held tomorrow.

Willow: Super Fight?

Gus: What's that?

Luz: The Super Fight is a fighting tournament that's held every six months. Fighters from across the human realm compete in battle to make a name for themselves or to promote their respective fighting styles and dojos.

Amity: A fighting tournament, huh?

Luz: Yeah, in fact, I actually already signed up myself and I was wondering if any of you would want to compete?

Lilith: Interesting, but sadly I'll have to decline. I have a job interview tomorrow and I can't afford to miss it. I hope to become a Curator of the Supernatural Museum of History.

Luz: That's all right. Hope you get the job. How about the rest of you?

Willow: I'm in.

Gus: Me too!

Amity: I-I'll join too, if you're okay with that.

She says, a little nervously as Luz remembers the kiss on the cheek she got from Amity last week.

Luz: Glad to hear it. King?

King: Of course you can count me in!

Luz: Eda?

Eda: Ehhh, I'm not sure, kid. This Super Fight got an award for the winner?

Luz: Actually, yeah. The winner of the tournament will get a three million dollar prize.

Eda: Three Million-?! Wait, how much is that in Snails?

Luz: Oh . . . about the same as your bounty.

Eda: One Trillion Snails?! Sign me up!

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