Coming Out

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If your friend has come out to you as trans* don't be an asshole and say something negative. They aren't telling that they're trans* just so you can make them dysphoric and/or feel stupid.

Give them something positive. Say something like-

"It's nice to have another (insert pronouns/gender) around me."


"Finally I have a friend that's a (insert pronouns/gender)."

If you say something like
"So? you're still the same person I still see you as the same boy/Girl."

If you say that I will kick yo ass all the way to the North Pole and then Santa can give you some coal and put you on the naughty list.

Anyway... it always makes a difference when someone says something positive. Seriously it can make someone's day. Unless you say something negative then it can really bring that persons confidence down and make them dysphoric.


I just came out to my friend's parents. I swear to the fucking lord they're more supportive then my own parents. In fact they are supportive. Looks like I was born in the wrong family.

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