Trans* Words (Offending, Again)

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Yeah I know I said I was done... I lied.

Asking for birth names and then using it as their 'real name' I put that in these thingys ' ' Because hey it's not their real name. Their real name is their chosen name. It makes a real difference when someone says
Call someone by their real name (not their birth name) and it does makes a reaLLY BIG DIFFERENCE. Pronouns also help. Their preferred pronouns are their real pronouns. Saying their pronouns can make a real difference too.

Talking about someone's past. That's basically a no go unless the person you're talking to brings it up then go for it tread lightly though.

Outing to people. Yeah no. Don't do it. Don't tell people "oh hey you know that person is trans*" don't do it. If I hear anyone say that you might want to take this shovel to the graveyard and dig a hole cause your coffin will go in it.

Okay back to name and pronouns.
If you purposely use the wrong name and the wrong pronouns... You're an asshole. Also it is disrespectful.

Pointing out insecurities... *Sighs* Do you like people pointing out yours? Then doN'T DO IT! And don't say 'get over it everyone has insecurities' cause not everyone is missing their genitals... If you know what I mean...

If you don't know which pronouns to use... Just ask. Its very simple.
"What pronouns do you prefer/use?"
Five words. Will it kill you to use five words?

Okay I think I'm done now.

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