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I was a little off my game the following week. I tried messaging her twice, and she still hadn't responded, so I stopped trying, but that didn't stop me from checking her Twitter one too many times than I'd like to admit. She was like a magnet; no matter what I did or how hard I tried, I'd be drawn back to her. There was an event she was at and spotted with Shawn there; it was trending. Unfortunately, all over my Twitter feed and on my mind even after I threw my phone to my bed. I couldn't understand what had gone wrong; the good time we had just a few days before, all that just disappeared again after she said she no longer wouldn't. I was feeling used and annoyed because despite how she was dealing with whatever the hell this was, it was mostly my fault for not just moving on. I just kept getting more attached and let down the more time that went on.

"Heyyy." I get a dm from Camila

"Hi," I reply dryly

"I've been so busy with album stuff." She sends

I rolled my eyes, annoyed I had already forgiven her. I didn't particularly appreciate how quickly my stance on her changed just because she at least messaged me back finally. I was frustrated. Because it felt like she was playing a game with me. She always knew when to return to keep me wanting more as soon as I convinced myself to let it go. So I didn't respond. Instead, I worked out to distract myself from wanting to.

"Are you mad?" She asks an hour later

"A little," I decide to respond and be honest, finally.

"Come over." She sends it after an hour

I stood and stared at the phone for almost ten minutes finding the courage to respond again. My heart was beating fast.

"Please?" she sent after more time passed, and I hadn't decided.

I quickly changed into Nike grey sweat shorts, a black Tank top, socks, and some Yeezy slides. I had to travel in the morning for a game, so I wanted to be comfortable. I wanted to go wherever she was. I'd be stupid not to, but will she disappear on me after it's all said and done? The reasonable choice is I should sleep and travel early tomorrow. I didn't know how much more of her games I could take. I had to stop and focus on the only game I wanted to play. Basketball.

"I have to be at the arena to leave with the team to the airport at 9 am tomorrow," I reply, more convinced I didn't want to go now."We'll wake up early." She types quickly

Did she intend she wanted me to stay over? Where would I sleep?

"Text me 305-XXXX-5673," she types again without waiting too long this time. I got off Twitter and messaged her through her phone.

"It's me," I text.

She sent me her location not even a second later.

"I'll see you soon 😊" she texts back as if she chose for me.

I'm going, whether I liked it or not. I grabbed my duffel bag filled with my crap so I could leave it in my Jeep just in case I didn't come back home later for it. As I drove to wherever the Address she sent led me, I kept gripping the wheel tighter and tighter the closer I got, nearly turning my dark caramel knuckles white.When I arrived, It was a high-end apartment similar to mine, a bit fancier. The security asked for my name when I pulled up to the gate.

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