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I had the best sleep I've had in a while. I thought things between Camila and me were perfect now, and I could go back to playing ball and then get to have her play with mine. What could go wrong?

I opened my eyes when I smelt food nearby. Camila stood with a tray and a bright smile in front of the bed. She had my t-shirt on and nothing else. Despite how loud my tummy roared for food, I wanted her now instead.

"What's all this for," I ask her as she sets the tray filled with breakfast by me.

"Besides making me cum?" She ask while giggling, making me choke on the orange juice I was drinking

"I also realize how confusing it might be about only kissing you when it's low-key, and I'm sorry it feels like I want to hide you," she says, sitting close to me.

"Mhm," I answer, encouraging her to explain more while eating some of the waffles she made me.

"Management is still sorting out the break up with Shawn, and if I tell them I found someone—-"

"So they control your life?"

"No! But it's not just management." She sighs nervously

"Who else?" l I ask, raising her chin with my fingers so we could connect eyes. I put a strain of hair behind her ear, earning a smile from me.

"My mom, she's going to be hard to convince."

"She's not going to be happy I'm your choice, huh?" I sigh out, defeated

"Babe— it's mostly because she loves Shawn and is convinced about him being the one for me." She tries to explain.

"It won't matter to her I'm black?" I ask with my eyebrow raised, and I was used to Latina moms hating my people.

"I don't want to lie. Between that and your career choice-"

"See, that's exactly why I left home" I get angry and stand up

"Babe, stop, finish eating, and let's talk it through." She says desperately, sitting up on the bed

"Why? I already know how this will end."

"How?" She asks defensively

"You'll choose to leave because you'll end up listening to your family about me not being right for you because of what I do. It's the exact reason I had to leave mine."

"I'm not leaving you!" She said even more defensively as she stood up and followed me angrily

"I make my own choices," she assured me

"And what's your choice now."

"We have to stay low-key, but I'm all in."

"So hide me?"

"My life is complicated babe, but when you put it like that-" she sighs sadly

"It is like that, Camila."

"Don't call me that," she pours up at me

"Your name?"I asked confused

"I like the nicknames you call me better," she says cutely c

I roll my eyes at how annoyed with myself I am. I'm sprung over this girl. I wasn't even mad anymore.

I rub my temples, trying to think about this level minded

She looks at me nervously

"Just tell me what I Can do to make it easier."

"I don't know, rent a spaceship so we can leave earth and kiss despite who's watching." I answer sarcastically

She smiles at me before giggling at my silliness.

"Something I can actually do silly." She says still giggling

"I just don't want Shawn to come around ever thinking you're still free," I ask her looking back at her after

She smiles brightly at me

"Baby-I'll handle It, and I'm yours now." She stands up, wrapping her tiny hands around me as best as she could

"Just not to everybody else" I hitch my eyebrow questionably at her

"To our close circle of friends, sure, but to the public and my mom. No, not right now. Just friends." She smiles at me, hopeful

"So we're friends with benefits?" I ask her

"No-I means yes, but I don't want you to be with other girls." She scrunched her eyebrows together angrily

"So I'm yours, but you ain't mine?" I ask irritated

"Please just wait till after the album, okay? I don't-" she begins but her phone rings again

Her manager called from the studio, asking where she was. She rolled her eyes after telling him she was coming and got dressed.

"I need to be at the studio with Willow for a few hours." She mumbles, then kisses my lips

"What about me?" I huff. I'll be bored and probably get myself off to the images inside of my head from last night 

"You want to come?" She looks up hopeful

"Of course, Mila, I want to be around you all the time." I shamefully admitted

Her lips found mine in response, and it got a little heated before she shoved me off and asked me to get dressed.

Once I put myself together, I met her by the door. She grabbed my hand the whole way down to the lobby, but the moment we stepped through those doors, her hand let me go as the paparazzi's camera lights went off constantly.

We walked to the studio, ignoring the multiple questions they kept asking her. It was uncomfortable. Especially the ones about Shawn. She'd always peak over at her shoulder, worried I'd say something stupid from the anger I was feeling. Why are they so invasive?

As we walked through the studio's doors, she leaned back onto my chest. She was taking deep breaths. I wrapped my arms around her, trying to ease mine. She turned around in my arms, looking up, searching for my eyes already on her.

I lean my head down, kissing her forehead.

"You got this. Let's go finish this album." I tell her, chuckling, hoping to ease the tension the paparazzi built inside us.

"I'm so glad you're here." She whispers, lifting on her tippy toes so she can place a quick kiss on my lips.

Her hand finally found mine again, out of the spotlight. I was like her hidden pleasure. I ignored the evil thoughts I thought of myself as something she'd want to hide and followed her to the studio room. She pointed to the couch, and I understood what she meant. It was time to watch her play her type of game now.

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