Chapter 2- The Burrow & Diagon Alley

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-The turquoise Ford Anglia car flies towards a mismatched house tower-like house in the middle of nowhere, stopping right before it. Fred walks to the window, and opens it to unlock the door-

"The house looks very loving." Alice said.

"The house looks very warm and comfortable." Marlene said.

"Molly, I like your house a lot and it looks very homey." Lily said softly to Molly who smiled at her.

Fred: Come on. Okay, come on. Shh! Shh!

-Fred is checking to see if the coasts are clear then motioning everyone inside-

Fred: Okay, come on.

-Harry and Rose are looking around in wonder and awed, Harry is watching a pan getting cleaned by an enchanted scrubbing brush as Rose is looking everywhere in awed without her knowing George is watching her with a small smile-

"love at first sight." Sirius said with a cheeky grin.

"She is only 12 and he's 14!" James hissed at him not wanting his little girl to date someone at a young age.

"So? She is dating someone and we don't know when she started dating him." Peter pointed out.

"And they are two years apart anyway." Remus pointed out also.

Ron: Do you think it'd be all right if we had some of this?

-George is half smiling as Rose looks at them seeing them taking bread-

George: Yeah, Mum would never know.

"She will definitely know." Gideon said.

"She always knows." Fabian agreed with him.

-Harry and Rose look at the clock, which has the pictures of the Weasley on the hands, it shows Ron, Fred, and George's picture on the hand moves from 'lost' to 'home'. Their attention is drawn to knitting needles knitting something on their own-

Ron: It's not much, but it's home.

-He stands beside them as he chews chewing the bread that he took from the basket on the table-

Harry: I think it's... brilliant.

Rose-belle: This house is absolutely lovely, it's cozy and feels so warm once I step inside.

Molly smiled at their comments as she and Arthur almost teared up. Some students smile at the Weasley's house, they don't care if it is not normal or not, they find the house really warm and cozy. Others thought it was unsafe, and looked horrible and disgusting.

Molly: Where have you been?!

-The boys nearly jumped out of their skins as they hid their breads. Molly Weasley stands in the doorway, furious. She smiles sweetly at Harry and Rose-

Molly: Harry, Rose-belle, how wonderful to see you dears.

-Molly turns back to Fred, George and Ron in anger-

Molly: Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could've died! You could've been seen!

-Molly turns back to Harry and Rose in a sweet way-

Molly: Of course, I don't blame, Rose-belle and Harry, dears.

"Her moods changed so much." Barty said in amusement.

"She is even worse than Bellatrix." Evan said.

"Molly is worse than this when she is pregnant." Fabian whispered to Gideon not knowing that he said it loud enough for Molly to hear.

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