Chapter 7

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Garra and Chojuro walked down the street, heading back to Garra's place. Garra didn't want to got back but Chojuro insisted he should return.

“Why do I have to go back....” Garra said, looking sullen.

“Because, I wouldn't be surprised if a search party is already looking for you...” Chojuro replied, “You left and never returned...”

Garra was silent but allowed his gaze to roam to the various shops and things in the village. He didn't want to deal with his siblings at all, he just wanted to stay with Chojuro and not have to worry about it.

“You've been so moody...” Chojuro giggled, “You're always pouting..”

“Smile for me...” Chojuro grabbed ahold of Garra's hand and squeezing it.

“Uhm...” Garra felt his cheeks start to burn.

Chojuro smiled. “Come on... Smile for me...”

Garra gave Chojuro a shy smile, lowering his head down. Chojuro smiled wider and walked closer to Garra.

Garra could feel the shocked glances from passerby. Garra ignored them, matching Chojuro's energy by standing tall as they walked down the street.

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“Garra!” Temari called, walking over to meet Chojuro and Garra at the front door.

“You idiot! Where have you been!?” Kankuro yelled, “You've been gone for days!”

Garra squeezed Chojuro's hand. “I just wanted to get away from everything...”

“You can't just run off like that Garra...” Temari said calmly.

“Especially not with him...” Kankuro spat, glaring at Chojuro.

“See, this is why I didn't want to come back...” Garra huffed.

“I should go...” Chojuro muttered, he didn't want to be around if a fight broke out.

“Baby no, not yet...”

“I've been gone for too long, I'm sure Kagura is getting worried about me...” Chojuro said. “I really need to go...”

“You're right... You should probably go back...” Garra said. He sighed, trying to calm down and keep from crying.

“Bye baby... I'll see you soon ok...” Chojuro muttered, kissing Garra on the forehead.

Chojuro released Garra's hand and walked away, Garra sighed and watched as Chojuro left his sight.

“You two are gonna be trouble...” Temari sighed, slinging her arm over Garra's shoulder.

“I don't know what's up with you lately, but you can't be doing this...” Kankuro muttered.

“Where are you going!?” Kankuro yelled.

“The Kazekage's office... I have work to do...” Garra said quietly, walking away from his siblings.

Accidents happen (Chojuro X Garra) Where stories live. Discover now