Chapter 9

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“Shut up!” Kankuro smashed the top of his alarm clock, making it stop ringing. Kankuro looked at the clock. 6:00 am. Garra's off working and Shinki will stay asleep till 9:00. “Damn it... It's so early....”

Kankuro rubbed his eyes and walked out of his room, heading into the living area off the house.

“Garra... What are you doing...”

Garra had taken almost every blanket and pillow in the house, crafting a small but comfortable nest on the couch.

“Wait a minute, you're still here?” Kankuro asked as he walked into the living room.

“Yes, I'm not doing ANYTHING for the rest of my pregnancy...” Garra said happily, “I've reached 4 months and I think I should take it easy...”

“I'm only gonna do work if it's important but not straining...” Garra said, “I read that straining your body is bad for the baby...”

“I see...” Kankuro sighed, rubbing his neck.

“Now be quiet... Shinki is sleeping...” Garra said. Garra gestured to the young omega, who had nestled himself underneath Garra's arm. “He's got an important mission today...”

“Ok, but are you really gonna take up the whole couch...?” Kankuro asked, sounding quite aggravated.

“...Yes...” Garra said, “And call Chojuro and tell him to come over, and to bring me one of his shirts....”

“Does he have to come over...” Kankuro asked, he really didn't want to have that guy come over again.

Call Chojuro and ask him to come over...” Garra said in an eerily calm manor.

There was no getting around it...

“Fine, I'll call him...” Kankuro muttered, speed walking away.

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Garra sat quietly in the sand, eyes shut tight, taking in the desert ambiance and desert smells. His hands gently stroked his stomach up and down as he sat there, his breathing slow and easy.

“Hey baby...”

Garra felt a pair of hands wrap around his waist and rest against the underside of his stomach. Garra purred gently, pressing his back against the figure behind him.

“Chojuro...” Garra opened his eyes and looked back, his eyes were greeted by the familiar face of his gentle lover “You've finally arrived....”

“Sorry I took so long...” Chojuro said apologetically. “I had a bunch of things to do before I left...”

“It's fine... At least you're here now....” Garra smiled gently and pressed his nose into Chojuro's neck.

Chojuro giggled softly. “I got you something...”

Chojuro's warmness was pulled away and replaced with a soft, cotton like fabric that slipped over Garra's small body.

“I found one of my super large shirts, it should be comfortable around your growing baby bump....” Chojuro said with a gentle smile.

“It's my favorite shade of red...” Garra smiled warmly, pressing the soft silk fabric of the shirt against his cheek. “And it smells like just you... I love it...”

“Good, I was worried that I scented it too much...” Chojuro muttered, his warmth returning to Garra as he hugged him.

“This is why I love you...” Garra muttered, planting a soft kiss on Chojuro's. “You're just so thoughtful...”

“Well, I'm glad you like your shirt...” Chojuro muttered, kissing Garra's forehead.

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“You know... I feel like we should go public with out relationship....” Chojuro said. Garra immediately became tense.

“Are you sure we should... Isn't it kind of early...” Garra said nervously.

“I don't think it's too early.” Chojuro replied, “But if you aren't ready then we don't have to say anything publicly.”

“Well... I'm sure some people already have suspicions...” Garra muttered. “We do hold hands in public a lot...”

“I just don't like the unnecessary attention...” Garra whined, making Chojuro feel bad.

“We won't go public until you're ready...” Chojuro said giving Garra a gentle kiss on the lips.

“You're going public!?” Kankuro walked into the living room and stood in front of them. “You can't do that!”

“We aren't going public yet, we're just discussing the possibility...” Garra reassured, but that didn't stop Kankuro from getting angry.

“I can't believe you would even think about something so risky, there's already pictures of you two holding hands!” Kankuro growled.

“Since you're so worried about risks, what's gonna happen if we go public!?” Chojuro yelled, he wasn't gonna back down this time.

“All kinds of things! Like... Uhm...” Kankuro really didn't know what would happen. Kankuro just stood there silently, not having anything to say.

“That's my point... Why do you hate the fact we're together...”

“That's the thing, we don't know what could happen! That's why I'm afraid of people finding out about you two...” Kankuro said, his expression softened.

“It's a big risk even if the majority of people accept you, there might still be a group of people that will want to break you up... Or even worse.”

“I didn't... I didn't think about that....” Chojuro muttered. Chojuro looked down, his confidence back down.

“This is why I worry, I don't disapprove of you dating, I'm just scared of what might happen if this becomes public knowledge...”

Kankuro sighed. “But, people have already seen you holding hands... I guess there would be no reason to not go public...”

“You're right something bad could happen....” Garra said quietly.

“But... Chojuro is the only one I've ever loved and I don't want to lose that just because of public opinion...” Garra held onto Chojuro tightly. “It just isn't fair...”

“I want to love who I want and nobody will get me to change that...”

“We're going public next week. If people don't like it, that's fine but we aren't gonna break up and no one is gonna force us...”

“Fine... Do what you want...” Kankuro sighed, he realized he wasn't gonna be able to stop Garra.

“Just... Please be careful...” Kankuro breathed deeply and sighed “But I'm here for you, both of you...”

“...Thank you, Kankuro...” Garra said, Chojuro nodded in agreement.

“I know you're worried about your brother... But he'll be fine, I'm with him...”

“Yes, I know you'll treat him well...” Kankuro said, quietly walking away.

Accidents happen (Chojuro X Garra) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن