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"Vox they're waiting.." You mumbled while your boyfriend is kissing you. "They can wait 5 more minutes..." He pushes you against the wall while holding your waist. Just then, the door knocked. "Mhmh.. See? What did I say?" You chuckled and took his hands off of you. He sighed as he sat down on his office chair while you went and opened the door. A familiar person walks in with a folder. "Mal?"
You smiled confusedly, yet still surprised. "Hi! I uh...I have an interview..." She nervously hands you the folder. You looked inside and it was resume. Mal was originally from Reynolds team, "I took your advice...I quit working for that asshole." She giggled. "awh, I'm proud of you. Come in!" You welcomed her in. You left the folder in front of Vox on his desk and left the room leaving them alone for the interview. "Hey, we just saw one of reynolds workers walk in, we need to prepare." Your team mate pulled you. "Oh, don't worry. She's just here to interview!" You giggled.

After a while, Mal came out super excited and overjoyed. "Did you get it?!" You jumped. In response, she squealed and hugged you tightly."Congrats!! I can't wait to work with you again!!" You giggled. "Thank you ugh I'm so excited!" She smiled up to her ears. "Well, I need to go back in his office. I'll see you later!" You waved and entered the office again. You were basically Vox's assistant, but also his private girlfriend who he loves so, so dearly.
You closed the door and went over to the bookshelves. You took a maroon-red book out and behind it was a secret code entry. You entered the code and the shelf slid away,
you slipped in Mals file and slid back the shelf.
You turned around and walked over to vox's desk. He kicked his seat back a little signaling for you to sit on his lap. You hesitated for a moment and finally gave in, you sat on his lap facing him. He scanned your face with an ice-cold expression while resting his head on his closed fist. "So...why is this happening?"
You awkwardly asked. Just as he was about to say something, the door opened and you immediately slid down and hid under the desk. "Boss, I have to tell you something.." One of your teammates ran in. You were sitting under his desk with his legs open giving you a full view of his bulge in his white jeans.
You were getting tired of them talking so you rested your arms and head between Vox's legs on the chair. While the man was talking, Vox glanced at you a few times with discomfort.
Finally, the man finished and left the room. You got up and fixed your hair. "Did you have to lay between my legs directly in front of my penis or what?" He complained. "I was tired, and bored." You chuckled.

At home, it was super sunny outside causing the heat in your house.
You were only wearing your bra and shorts, I mean, why would you dress more if nobody can see you? Wrong.
The door started knocking as you were typing your hair in a ponytail. You pulled the popsicle out of your mouth with one hand while the other grabbing the door knob and turning it. You opened the door to see Vox back with drinks. "Okay so...i got boba, iced lemon tea and more" he came in and set the bag with drinks down. "Also do you really need to be wearing that?" He looked at you up and down. "Yes, I do" you grumpily replied.

The next day, you and vox decided to get groceries. It was already late since you both were sleeping. "Its cold outside, bring a jacket." He kissed your cheek from behind you.
"I think I'm fine..." You grabbed your bag.
"You sure? It's freezing outside." He asked worriedly. "Im fine. Let's go!" You smiled and unlocked the door.
After walking for a while on the sidewalk, you realised that you should've bring  jacket after all. Of course, you tried not reacting but couldn't help notice your goosebumps.
You felt something press against your body,
"I told you to bring your jacket." He sighed.

The next morning you were washing the dishes, you felt a breath hitch on the back of your neck which made you flinch. You turned your head around and saw your boyfriend smiling cheeshily. You turned your head back and continued washing the dishes smiling. His elbows were on the counter basically trapping you. He kisses your neck making you smile harder. You put the last plate in the rack and turned around to leave, but unfortunately interrupted by him not moving. You looked at him in confusion still smiling. "Can I go?" You giggled. "Okay, but one more thing." He says before giving you a long kiss on your cheek.

The Bones Of The Abyss-(Vox Akuma) Where stories live. Discover now