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"You told me to kiss him.." You complained. "I'm sorry that he fucking recognized you."
He grumpily said. "Okay well I could've done like ANYTHING else. Like I could've just kicked him in the balls or.. I don't know!!" You crossed your arms. "No. We got the book that all that matters." He sighed and unlocked the door.
We immediately stopped as soon as we saw my mom a dad on the couch talking. "Hey...dad..hi mom.." You awkwardly sat the groceries down. "Hi honey!" Your mom greeted. "I didn't know you guys were still home" you giggled. "Hey..why are you so sweaty? And why do you look stressed?" Your dad questioned. You looked at your dad, and then vox. 'Shit, shit, shit! I can't just tell him I just came back from fucking breaking into someones property,kissed the owner and took a book back!' You thought to yourself. "The grocery st-ore..had uh..the air conditioning wasn't working." You stuttered. "Ah, I see. Well sit down!" Your dad smiled. "Gladly." You joked and grabbed Voxs hand.
You both sat down while your parents whispered to each other. "Okay.." Your dad cleared his throat. "So...this is your boyfriend?" He awkwardly pointed. "Mhm" you smiled.

While your parents talked to Vox you decided to check up on your friend. You went to the kitchen and called him. "Hello?" Your friend Ren answered. "Hey Ren! How are you?" You replied.

After  your parents left, you ended the call with Ren. "I wanna take a shower." You and Vox stated at the same time. "..." You both looked at each other with furrowed eyebrows before racing upstairs to the bathroom. Surpise, surprise! You both got there at the same time. You both exhaled and looked at eachother. "Do you even have clothes?" You crossed your arms. "Yes, I do. I bring them incase I needed to change during my job as your boss." He sarcastically said. "Asshole, you didn't do shit except made me kiss a man I didn't even know!!" You whined. "Yes I did! I sent you backup, I had to find the boss's info which took me FOREVER and then I had to find tomorrow's task!" He leaned in closer to your face. "...okay MAYBE you did more work but you didn't HAVE TO KISS A COMPLETE STRANGER DID YOU?" You yelled and leaned in to his face making him move back a bit. "Don't act like you didn't enjoy it, I know you found him attractive!" He complained. "Bitch, what makes you think I enjoyed it?? Yeah, I found him attractive but I certainly did NOT enjoy kissing a man whom I didn't even know." You yelled. "...Look over there!" You pointed behind you. You turned around and nothing was there except an Ariana Grande poster. You turned back around and he was gone. "I'm not getting you your clothes!" You rolled your eyes and flopped onto your bed.

After you took a shower, you both fell asleep in exhaustion. You woke up with Vox caressing your cheek. You looked up at him and never realized how beautiful he was. You buried your face in his chest hiding your red face while he combed you hair with his fingers.

The next day you were in Vox's Office when you felt a presence walking around the building. You peeked outside the window and no one was there. You walked over to the telephone and picked it up. "Hello, can I have a few people to clear the building? " you greeted. "Of course, 5 people are on their way!" "If they catch anyone, please bring them in. Thank you." You put the telephone down.
You were alone in his office so this creepes you out even more. Vox said to stay in there while he talked to another Team's boss for your next task. Honestly, you really didn't want to do it since it involved being in another team for a few hours.
You opened the door and closed it quietly hoping not to catch anyone's attention. You looked around and the coast was clear. You walked slowly before you stopped due to Vox slamming his foot on the wall, blocking your way. "Jesus!-.." You flinched. "Where do you think you're going?" He stood up. "I was just going to the other room to get something..."
You scratched the back of your head. "Ill get it for you, what is it?" He asked. "Ha..??? No! No! It's okay..ill just get it later..." You awkwardly laughed and ran back in his office.

You sat down on his chair and laid your head back. After a few seconds you heard a gun shot. Worried, you peeked your head out of the door and closed it. You ran to the phone and typed in a few numbers signaling for back up. You opened the drawer and grabbed a gun. You exited the office quietly pointing your gun everywhere. You stepped back and bumped into someone which obviously, scared you. You turned around pointing the gun. "What the hell are you doing?" Vox furrowed his eyebrows. "I heard a gun shot.!!??? Did you not hear it?" You lowered your gun. "Obviously, they already caught the intruder." He scoffed. "Now get back in there!"
He pushed you back in his office.

After a few hours, he came back. "Okay..slight change of plans." He walked in and closed to door. "Im not joining another team? YES!" You cheered. "Yes! And that...you might not like this plan but I don't think tested another way..." He sat down. "Okay...? What's up?" You sat down. "So...we need you to go back to Lucas territory..." He awkwardly chuckled. Soon your excitement turned into fear. "W-hat?!"  Your jaw dropped. "There's no other way!!! Here's the plan..."

After he explained the plan, the whole team got ready and drove to Lucas territory.
You slowly sneaked into the building and snuck around trying to retrace your steps to his office. "Turn right." You heard Vox speak though the earphone. "What the fuck? You scared me!" You loudly whispered.

You finally found his office and started looking for the entrance for a hidden basement in his office. You walked around, looking for it for 20 minutes. You noticed some of the floorboard were a bit off.
You went on one knee and tried figuring out how to get in. You lifted a floorboard which revealed a key hole. "Dammit! We need a key.." You whispered. You started looking for a key, you went over to his desk and tried looking for the key when you felt someone
catch your wrists and locked them onto your back as they slammed you onto the desk.

"Nice to see you again."

"Let me guess...you're luca." You guessed. "Correct." He hummed. "Look man, just trying to find whatever shit you're hiding."  You said. "Reason?" He tightned his grip on your wrists. "FUCK!" You dropped your head onto the desk. "Too tight?" He giggled. You looked around and realized your earphone dropped, so great! No wonder you couldn't hear anyone.

Fucked <3

"Answer my question and I'll loosen the grip."
He said. "I don't know! My team told me to."
You whined. There was a few seconds of silence while he tried looking for something on you. "Who's your boss?" He asked. "Im not telling you shit" you spat out. He tightned his grip even harder, "OaKay!!! I'll tell you." You yelped in pain. "Tell me."  He angrily said. "What do I get if I tell you?" You teased. "Pregnant." He said. "Pregnant!?" Your eyes widened. "I'm joking,you get nothing." He replied. "What do I get if don't tell you?"  You asked trying to stall him. "killed." He answered. "I get killed if I don't tell you?" You chuckled. "Just answer the fucking question!"
He yelled, clearly annoyed. "No. You can go kiss my ass because I ain't answering that shit." You replied. He sighed before saying, "tell me or I'm actually gonna get you pregnant." "It's Vox akuma" you immediately replied. "Vox? Who the hell is that?" He complained. "Okay bro, I already told you what u wanted to know now let go.if I see a single red mark on my wrist I swear to God I'm actually gonna strangle you." You threatened."where's your team? It's quite clear you're in danger. Why aren't they here yet?" He asked. "Let go bro" you groaned.
He finally let go and sat down thinking. "Fuck,that hurt" you sat down massaging your wrists. "_______!" Your teammate bursted though the door exhausted. "Wha-wait what the fuck??" They breathes heavily. "_______?" Vox came through. "Huh? What happened here?" He questioned. "Okay, first this fella be gripping my wrists, asking me personal ass questions. Threatening to get me pregnant and then proceeded to ask me where my team is."  You turned to vox. Luca looked like he was thinking about stuff, didn't even look like he sees or hears anything. Just spaced with his eyes on the table.

The Bones Of The Abyss-(Vox Akuma) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang