So That's Moon Byul

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Monday. A dreaded day to almost every student but Yongsun. She is always been enthusiastic about her university life. And now that her final year have come, she is excited. After years of hard work she is now one step closer in getting her degree.

Just two more semesters and I'm done. She thought with a smile on her face. I can do it.

Her past three years in the university seems like a blur to Yongsun. She focused herself in studying and achieving small goals she had set along the way. She never allowed herself to get distracted by some activities her colleagues and fellow student indulge in. Sure she had attended some cool parties and participated in some fun activities but she is always loyal to her priorities.

As she enter the school's hallway, she is welcomed by the familiar chaotic scene of students chatting and laughing catching up with there friends about how they had spent there break. Some greet her as she pass by them and she greet them back with a wave and a polite smile. She doesn't know most of them, but surprisingly for Yongsun, they know her. For a likeable person like her, it is not supposed to be a surprise. But Yongsun seem to not realize how she is admired by many.


The hallway goes completely silent because of that scandalous scream. Everyone is looking at her back so she turned to see who can that be although she already have an idea. And her guess is right 'cause standing in the hallway a few meters from her is none other than, Hyejin. She clear her throat and everyone looks away and continue their conversation. Yongsun can't help but smirk at the woman. Hyejin make her way towards her wearing her famous poker face. Yongsun can't help but to admire how attractive her bestfriend is. With her long black hair, sexy physique, and seductive aura she is really stunning. No wonder a large margin of the male population of their university has the hots for her. The main reason why most of the females doesn't like her. Who cares? Hyejin is unbothered.

"I swear Yongsun, you are deaf."Hyejin said as soon as she reach Yongsun. She has been calling her name multiple times and Yong doesn't seem to hear her resulting for her to scream.

"Oh sorry Hyejinnie. I was a little bit distracted by some students who is greeting me." Yongsun smiled at her as she hook her arm around Hyejin's.

Hyejin rolled her eyes. "You don't have to greet them back. You are not a politician."

"But that would be impolite." Yongsun's mom told her to always be polite since she was a kid.

Hyejin kept her straight face and started walking to her class. Dragging an ever so smiley Yongsun with her.

"Okay... It is the first day of our last year here in university. Why is your face like that?" Yongsun can't help but to notice Hyejin's not so excited expression.

"Because I'm beautiful." Hyejin answered with her bored tone.

Yongsun rolled her eyes. "The expression, I mean."

"Yongsun.. There are people who are not excited when it comes to academic studies and I am one of them." Hyejin turn her head to look at Yong. "You KNOW that."

"Oh come on. It's not that bad. Besides it is our last year. You'll miss this when we graduate."

"The only thing I'll miss about my university life are the boys, parties, and some... girls." Hyejin smiled cheekily at Yongsun. She's always been open about a lot of things even with her romantic prospect. Hyejin is experimental. Her way to weight some undetermined things is to try all of her options. Yongsun is always been supportive of her. Her open minded nature have given her the capability of accepting things, even if she doesn't fully understand. She always have respect to other people's opinions and feelings.

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