You're ..... Different

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When Byul met Jin, Sanduel, Ken, and Hani she thought they would be the only people who would care and accept her and befriend her. Although they came from different walks of life, their similar ways in living lead them to cross paths. They have their own personal battles and life struggles who molded who they are and it also became the knot that tied them together, never breaking at any given circumstances and situations. It seems as if they are all cut from the same cloth so they add up as one. She thought they were the only people she needed. They always made her feel that she is not abandoned and alone. They are her family.

But then, there's Ms. Kim Yongsun whom she just recently met. The ever persistent girl who never ceases to try to go beyond her set border. The girl who always tries to peek through her walls and see what's behind it. Byul fears the fact that there is something about her that she cannot resist. Maybe her cheerful aura, or her annoying smile, or her twinkling eyes, or maybe her whole bright personality that tremendously affects Byul in ways she can not fathom.

The last four Fridays they spent together preparing for the Saturday activities made Byul realize some things about her. Yongsun would always initiate conversations and Byul, although at first tried to shut it, eventually let her. She shares a lot of stories about herself, her family, her friends and Byul may not seem interested but secretly listening attentively. She can't help but to compare their life and how different they are. She would often wonder what could have happened if her mother was there as she grew up. Would she still be like who she is right now, or would she be a whole different person much like Yongsun. She would never know.

There are times where Byul would give a little bit of information about herself just to stop Yongsun from asking a lot of questions. It works all the time because it would turn the conversation to her liking or not liking, agreeing or disagreeing to what Byul had said.

Byul remembers one particular time when they are sorting some toys and Yongsun was asking what she liked to play when she was a kid, and her attention was caught by a puppy plushie. Without taking her eyes off the toy, she told Yongsun that she used to play with her dog Daebak. She was startled when Yongsun shouted "really!" and then continued to blab about her also having a dog named Jingjing and how she got her when she was thirteen as a gift from her mom and how they became inseparable since. Byul can't stop the small smile as she would jump from one story to another. At first, she was deeply annoyed by Yongsun's talkativeness but as she spent time with her she became hooked to her random stories that she somehow looked forward to, allowing Byul to know her little by little.

Byul had painted Yongsun's personality in her head based on her stories. She is undeniably a compassionate person that always sees the good in every person, even the most evil one. She is a person who would always want to fix things that she thought were not in order. A person who always values another person's feelings. A person who always sees the bright side of things. A person that everyone would certainly love.


Byul looked up to see Yongsun waving at her as she made her way towards her.

There's that annoying bright smile again.

"Have you been waiting for too long?" Yongsun asked as soon as she approached her.

"No. Just a few minutes." Byul said standing straight.

"We were held back for a few minutes in our history class. Mr. Park was so carried away with the discussion."

Byul didn't answer her. She is waiting for Yongsun to open the classroom but it seems like she does not have any plan to do so. She looked at her questioningly.

"There's nothing much to prepare for tomorrow. We plan on storytelling and music related activities." Yongsun said to answer her silent question.

"So this is a free Friday afternoon?"

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