Sometimes her face is flat

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The concept of time is a blur for Moon Byul. While some people wish to rush it, and other wanted to slow it down, she seems to not notice it pass. She has nothing to look forward to. There is not much reason for her to be so conscious about it. And now she realized that it's two weeks since she got back in the university. She wanted to congratulate herself for somehow overcoming her horrible classes. Aside from the boring professors, her classmates are annoying her a lot. The way they will look at her and proceed to talk to each other is really testing her patience. They act as the exact stereotypical hypocritical judgmental people who think they are above the other. Her patience is wearing thin and just a little bit more push she knows she'll definitely snap. She wouldn't have cared about it if they didn't made it so obvious as if they are really provoking her.

"Hey!" Someone tapped her shoulder. "What's with the long face?" A tall attractive guy uninvitedly flopped beside her on the sofa she was sitting in.

"What's new about that? She always has that face." Another guy with a broad shoulder sat on her other side.

"Nope. Sometimes her face is flat." Said the lean guy who sat at the single sofa on their right.

All three of them burst out laughing cause of that lame joke while Byul rolled her eyes.

"You really have the audacity to make fun of my face when I am a lot more attractive than all three of you combined." Byul said slightly smirking.

The three of them stopped laughing and playfully glared at her.

"Did you just say that in front of the most handsome guy aka me?" The tall guy asked pretending to be offended.

"Jin you should really lessen your day dreaming." The guy with the broad shoulder said.

"Oh come on 'Deul! Let the guy dream." The lean guy teases.

"Like how you dream of having a happily ever after?" Sandeul said trying to stifle his smirk.

Jin laughed but immediately stopped after receiving a glare from the lean guy.

"Oh you made our little Kennie sad..." Jin said faking a baby voice. "Apologize to him Sandeul."

"Oh sorry baby Kennie. Let me make it up to you with a kiss." Sandeul coed Ken. Moving out of the sofa, he leans on him threatening to give him a kiss.

Ken shouts for help in removing Sandeul off him but it fell on deaf ears as Jin was laughing his lungs out as he cheered for Sandeul.

These dumbs. Byul can't help but to chuckle.

She may not openly show it but Byul have always adored Jin, Sandeul, and Ken. They are the few people whom she considers as her friends. They've been through a lot and she trusts them more than any one. They've fought their personal battles with the support of each other. They found each other in those times that they were so lost. They saw how they mirrored each other's pain and struggle that gained each other's respect. Since then they stick all together through thick and thin. Their personalities differ, but their pain and struggles became their common denominator. Most of the time, those three guys would be so chaotic and she is so done with their antics. Only Hani would try to intervene sometimes.

Byul suddenly remembered. "Where's Hani?"

The guys suddenly had a serious look on their faces.

"She decided to leave for a while to lie low." Jin was the one to answer her.

Byul looked at him abruptly. "Why does she need to lie low?" She turned her full attention to him. "Did something happened that you dare didn't told me?"

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