It's NOT Funny

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Days passed like how it's always been. Yongsun spent the week studying and arranging everything about the volunteering activity. She thought of the activities that they could do and she would present it to the members in the meeting. She is excited of the ideas she thought of and she wishes that the members would approve.

There are more than sixty people who registered but they can only maximize the numbers to fifty volunteers. Yongsun felt bad for those who are not able to join so she tried to ask to at least make it seventy but Mr. Kim have told her that the School President have strictly said that they would only allow fifty students. Yongsun was disappointed. But on the brighter side, she felt happy that a lot of people are actually having an interest in participating in this noble cause.

Friday came and the team gathered for their first meeting. Yongsun asked for a head count and everyone is there.

Well, almost.

Yongsun instinctively looked at the door wondering if she would come. She hasn't seen Byul the past few days so she wasn't able to remind her about the meeting.

After a few more minutes there is still no sign of Moon Byul.

Yongsun sighed. I think she won't be coming.

She was disappointed but did not want to dwell in that feeling. She wore her ever bright smile and walk in front of the room. She greeted everyone and then proceeded to the meeting. She oriented the members about some rules the school imposed, she also explained about the funding, and her planned activities. She also gave them some background information of the institution they are helping.

Yongsun divided the team into four groups. They will alternately work so they can still have a free weekend for themselves.

Yongsun told the first team to come at the same place next week's Saturday. After some inquiries and clarifications, she finished the meeting.

She was fixing her things when she heard a knock. She looked at the door and saw a smiling Hyejin walking towards her.

"So, how was the meeting?" She asked while she put her things at a table while sitting on the chair near it.

Yongsun beamed at her. "It was great. Everyone is so cooperative. They gave lots of suggestions and feedbacks it's quite overwhelming."

"Well, it's not a surprise. I mean they would really try to interact and impress you. Knowing most of them joined because of you and not the charity work." Hyejin said smirking at Yongsun.

Yong weirdly looked at her friend. "Hyejinnie I think you're reaching. I don't think it like that. Besides I am not that popular or pretty for everyone to like me."

Hyejin rolled her eyes at her. It is quite obvious that some of those who joined are really into her. She didn't know if Yongsun was just genuinely oblivious or just being in denial.

Yongsun sighed as she drops her things at the table in front of Hyejin.

"What was that for?" Hyejin asked with a raised eyebrow.

Yongsun sat opposite of her and rests her hands at the table in front of them. "Moon Byul didn't show up. She missed the meeting and I don't know how to inform her of the details. I don't have any of her contact information."

Hyejin scoffed. "Aren't you too invested to her? I understand that Mr. Kim ask you to "help" her. But if she didn't want to participate, let her be and just pass her in that evaluation thing."

"You know I can't do that. Mr. Kim trusts me enough to look out for her." Yongsun said without looking at Hyejin. Given the circumstances, Hyejin is right. She could just pass her that evaluation thing and everything's done. But deep down, she really wanted to know her and this activity is the only way that Moon Byul would let her interact with her, at some point. "She needs someone to be her friend."

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