Stop Smiling it's Annoying

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Yong had a hard time sleeping that night. The scene in the parking lot continues to replay in her head. She can't keep the girl's face out of her mind. She can clearly see her whenever she closes her eyes, her menacing, cold stare. She stared at the ceiling; various thoughts come like how she can't fathom why she has a deep feeling of curiosity towards her. It almost feels like there's an invisible force that draws her in. And now she is thinking about her. Yongsun closes her eyes and she sees her again but this time she didn't open them. She continued to watch her in her mind until she fell into a deep slumber.


Moon Byul was the main topic that morning. Yong at some point tries to divert the topic about anything else but it always goes back to her. She didn't like how they talk about her. How they say she's troubled, she's violent, she's vicious it makes Yongsun a little sad.

"Hey." A girl from her class catches her attention. "I can fill out the registration form now."


Yong smiled at her as she gave her the form. "Can you also tell your friends about this? They may also want to join."

"Of course! I'll tell them you are leading the volunteer team. They'll join right away." The girl smiled at her. "No one can ever say no to you."

Yong giggled. "Thank you."

The girl waved at her as she walked away.

"So how many are you leading already?" Hyejin asked out of nowhere startling Yong.

"You appeared like a ghost there." Yong said. "I already have a total of 15 people." Yong smiled proudly.

She just started handing out the registration form this morning and a lot have already volunteered. She hopes a lot more people would want to join as the word about the activity spreads.

Last year she also joined the volunteering but as a member. It was tiring but it made her happy. The smile of those kids never ceases to melt her heart. Despite their unfortunate situation they manage to be positive enough to look forward to their future. And Yong wanted to be someone to help along their way even in the smallest way.

"Hmmm.. Impressive Miss Kim Yongsun." Hyejin smiled at her. "Anyway, Mr. Kim asked you to his office. He said he needs to ask you something."

"Okay. Can you hand out some of these for me please?" Yong asked her acting cute.

Hyejin rolled her eyes at her but deep down she just melted at her cute chubby cheeks. "Fine."

Yong smiled triumphantly at her. "Thank you Hyejinie." She waved at her as she walked towards the entrance of the school building.


Yongsun knocked at Mr. Kim's door before she entered. Mr. Kim looked up and greeted her with a smile.

"Good morning Mr. Kim." Yongsun greeted.

"Good Morning Yongsun. Please a have a seat." Mr. Kim motioned the chair in front of his desk.

Yongsun obeyed and took a seat. "Sir you called for me?"

"Yes." Mr. Kim adjusted himself in his seat. "You are the one organizing the volunteering, right?"

"Yes sir." Yongsun answered with a nod.

"I want to ask you to register someone as a volunteer." Mr. Kim started. "Then evaluate her based on her attendance and behavior."

Yongsun was a little bit confused. "But why would I need to evaluate her?"

"Because this volunteering activity is a punishment for their bad behavior." Mr. Kim leaned on his desk. "I know you are a very trusting and positive person Yongsun, so I want to ask your help and guidance to make this person better."

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