Byul got herself a girlfriend

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Wheein was disappointed when Tata Randy told her that he didn't knew that boy from the picture. But he did mention that the former housekeeper may have known him since she worked at the Moon mansion way before him.

She really wanted to see that boy again.

She was staring at the photo while she's making her way inside the house when she bumped into something hard she almost lost her footing. She grabbed the door frame to stabilize herself causing her to drop the picture.

"Oh Wheein! I'm so sorry. I was in a hurry and I didn't see you." Mr. Moon said as he squatted picking up the photo.

"Oh no Uncle it's okay. I was distracted and I wasn't looking..." Wheein crouched to get the photo but Mr. Moon is looking at it intently with shock evident on his face.

He stood up still looking at it. "Wheein...... Where did you get this picture?"

"Oh! ahm... It's in a photo album we saw from the basement. Actually uncle.....," Wheein leaned to him a little to point a certain person in the photo, "do you know who this boy is?"

"No." Mr. Moon answered almost immediately with a hard tone. "Did Byul saw this picture?"

"Yeah." Wheein said looking intently at Mr. Moon who seems so disturbed. "I was with her when we browsed the photo album."

Mr. Moon hummed.

"I should go I have an appointment to catch on." He handed back the picture to Wheein.

Mr. Moon walked off but before he could go any further, he turned to Wheein with a hard expression.

"Put that photo back from where you got it Wheein."

Wheein swallowed as she nodded her head.

He went inside his car and drove off and Wheein was left there wondering why he reacted like that. Her curiosity about that boy was heightened because of Mr. Moon's reaction.

Who are you? Wheein asked herself as she looked at the photo.


Yongsun was early for class but decided to go straight to her classroom. She plans to read while waiting for the class to start. There are some students greeting her like always and she would return it with a small smile. She just wishes that it won't be too obvious that those smiles were a little bit forced. Her mood wasn't that good but she doesn't want to be rude so she still tried to return the greetings.

She was still not over on what she saw yesterday. She spent her whole night thinking of how did that girl made it through Byul's wall. What could be so special about her. Are they really romantically involve with each other? Is Byul going to smile to her like she did to that girl?

Yongsun shook her head to clear her thoughts. She's been thinking too much about it when she shouldn't be. She should be glad that Byul have someone she's close to that she can count on.

She quickened her pace when suddenly someone showed up in front of her halting her step.


A lean man with a charming smile stood in front of her.

"Hi Eric." Yongsun said as she smiled back at him.

"How are you?" He asked as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm good." Yongsun held her book against her chest.

They fell into an awkward silence for a while before Eric spoke again.

"Hey ahm..... There is this movie that just came out and it has really great reviews. Maybe you want to watch that with me? This Friday after class?"

Yongsun bit her lip as she shook her head. "I'm sorry Eric, but I have stuff to do and prepare for the volunteering activity on weekend."

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