Goodnight, Byulyi

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Mr. Moon - in Wheein's memory - was such a nice man. He was often quiet and reserved in a huge crowd making him seem like a cold person but he was a warm, gentle man inside his home. It was just work has taken most of his time he barely spent time with his family. But in Byul's stories, he was like a completely different person.

Wheein was dreading on what she could find about those drugs. Her fingers shook a little as she typed the generic name. She released a small gasp as she read the description of the drugs and what it is used for.

Benazepril HCL, Spironolactone, Carvedilol, Losartan for high blood pressure...

... Medications to treat heart failure...

Wheein was silently processing things. Mr. Moon is sick and it seems like no one knows about it. Even Byulyi. Did he purposely hide it? Maybe that's the reason why he was always away. Is he having secret treatments?

Wheein bit her lip, she's worried on how Byul would react if she found out. She was angry with her father, but he is still her father.

"What are you up to?"

Wheein quickly shut her laptop as she looked at Byul who's leaning at her door frame.

"Nothing. Just looking for some information about your school." Wheein said with a little smile.


Wheein stood up from her bed and made her way towards Byul and hugged her waist. "I'm enrolling there. My previous school agreed to give half of the credits I earned and I'll complete them in your school. Is it okay?"

Byul is happy that Wheein would be attending her school, in fact she was excited. Her school days wouldn't be the same if she got Wheein there. Maybe it could be fun now.

"What kind of question is that, of course it's okay. It's more than okay." Byul said smiling.

"Great. I'll be enrolling tomorrow. Maybe we could have lunch together?" Wheein asked cutely.

Byul chuckled. "Of course."

"Okay. Now go, get out of here so I can have my beauty rest." Wheein slightly pushed Byul out. Byul turned to say something but Wheein already shut the door after exclaiming a quick goodnight.

Wheein returned to her bed and resumed reading the details about the drugs she found. She wanted to tell Byul, but she needed to confirm it first.

Byul left early for her morning classes. Wheein went to the school later and though Byul had given her instructions and landmarks, she was still having a hard time navigating through the campus. She sat at a bench near the parking lot for a while studying the campus map. She was tracing the path to the building where the school registrar is when a slightly deep sensual voice spoke.

"You're treasure hunting here?"

Wheein looked up and saw a woman with black hair and tan skin. She gave her a sultry smile so enchanting Wheein was speechless for a moment just staring at the very gorgeous woman in front of her.

Hyejin noticed how the girl was staring at her and she can't help but to chuckle. She leaned a little closer to her and whispered. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

Wheein snapped out her trance. She looked away as she cleared her throat. "I'm new here. I was just trying to find the way to the registrar's office." She said trying to brush off the woman's comment about her staring.

The sensual woman raised her eyebrows. "You're just enrolling when its already half the semester?"

Wheein looked at her. "I'm a transferee."

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