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Mizuki had been trying to sleep. Really. Unlike Ena and Kanade, they had a strict sleep schedule. Usually.
But tonight, Mizuki couldn't get a certain girl out of their mind. Their best friend, usually so confident, so assured, had seemed... diluted. From acrylic paint to watercolour. And, with anxiety playing with their brain like play dough, Mizuki turned to their other best friend- animating.
Since the PV for their latest song (an unusually sweet romance song called Lilac) has been completed, Mizuki could turn to a side project they'd been working on for a while.
It was nearing 3:00 am when they were shocked awake from their animating-coma, by their phone, buzzing on their bed in a custom beat.
Shaking their cramped hands, Mizuki approached the bed, smiling at the notification.

INSTAGRAM: @Enanan has posted a new photo

Caption- RIP my sleep schedule lol

As usual, Mizuki was the first like, the first save and the first comment.
Amia: Go to bed kitten >:/ or daddy will get angry ùmú
It was an inside joke between the two, which often earned Mizuki copious blocks, judgemental replies and reposts on Reddit, but it made them both laugh, so they didn't mind.
Mizuki was returning to their tablet when another notification buzzed through.

Enanan: Can we call plz
Amia: yasss

Ena's icon popped onto screen quicker than expected, and Mizuki glanced at their mirror, wincing at their face, checking their hair, slashing on some lip balm, before clicking accept.
"Hey, Mizuki." Croaked Ena, their face swamped by shadows. But even in almost absolute darkness, Mizuki could tell something was wrong. Moisture glimmered on her face, glittery trails shimmering in arcs down to her chin. Tears.
Mizuki had seen Ena cry before. They'd held her as she sobbed, over her father, over her art, over ruining her new dress- but that had been raucous, wide-mouthed, car-alarm crying, not this silent, shining weeping. Like they were trying to keep quiet. Like they were sobbing over a secret.
"Ena, what's wrong?" Mizuki whispered urgently, and Ena swallowed a deep breath before replying.
"I broke up with my Naomi." 
Mizuki's first reaction was to smile. Then to laugh. Then dancing, leaping up and down, running through the street holding a banner screaming I HAVE A CHANCE!
But then they looked at Ena, crumpled, the little bunny plushie Mizuki won once for them at an arcade tucked under their arm, and sighed, imagining the joy seeping out of them like cigarette smoke, in a pink plume, and inhaling anger.
"I'm sorry, Ena. You've been such a good girlfriend! Why would they ever break up with you?" Mizuki hissed, and Ena shrugged, shivering a bit.
"I'll send you what she said." Ena muttered, and Mizuki received the message with shaking hands.

Naomi🤍: Ena, I'm breaking up with you.I can't handle your endless drama anymore. It's just- always about you! Your dad, your art, your problems... I can't handle it. You think every else doesn't have problems, but they do. Online relationships never work out, anyway.

"Jeez, Ena. What a bitch!"
"I know. She's right though." Ena let out a tiny sob, quivering in their voice. "I am an attention seeker. You've seen my posts. I-"
"You are not an attention seeker!" Mizuki yelled, voice echoing in a digital daze.
Ena blinked at them, eyes wide, mouth open in shock. Mizuki recoiled, heart pounding. They hadn't meant to scream like that, they didn't want Ena to think they were some sort of obsessed freak, oh god-
"What's Naomi's Nightcord user? Please let me spam her, pleasseeee." Mizuki added quickly, trying to hide their flash of anger. Ena giggled softly, shaking her head.
"No, Mizuki, she'll just get annoyed at me." She chuckled.
"I'll pretend to be a bot! Please!"
Mizuki laughed, but deep down, their stomach twisted with the familiar rot of self-hatred. Mizuki Akiyama, always the clown, always the one who distracts, instead of reaching the true problem, when they know it's something they can't help. Mizuki Akiyama, the fake.

In more ways than one.

Mizuki x Ena / Mizuena- Music can't save us now Where stories live. Discover now