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Blood splattered across the mall's crusted Lino. It merged with Mizuki's spilt drink, with Ena's tears, with the crushed and seeping makeup pallets spilt from their pockets, creating a rancid rainbow pool. As mall security led them away, Ena watched silently as an assistant began to mop it away, removing all traces of the argument from the floor. Spectators turned back to their drinks, wiping the fight from their minds, folding it neatly into a box labelled interesting story, ready to be pulled out like a party trick.
"You better not come in here again. Fucking teenage punks." Growled the security guard, forcing them all out of the back door. Naomi's gang scuttled away, casting glances back as Naomi steeped towards Ena, her nose bleeding, face almost scratched apart, leering.
"Have fun with your boyfriend, bitch." She hissed. With a harsh bark of laughter, she flashed her phone in front of Ena's face, too fast for her to see the picture shown.
"What was that?!" Ena yelped, but Naomi was already strutting away, her hoodie torn slightly at the back, a splatter of Mizuki's blood decorating the pastel blue.
"Ena... I'm so sorry..."
Ena turned away, glass perforating her throat as she stared at Mizuki's face.
Most of their makeup had been smeared off, replaced with splatters of blood and the scarlet blooms of beginning bruises. One eye was bulging beneath a fresh black eye. Ena had never seen something so uselessly heartbreaking.
Does anyone deserve this? Does anyone deserve this agony? For what? For wanting to be happy in their own skin? For wanting to be a person?
"I'm sorry, Mizuki. You never should have gone through that." Ena sobbed, wrapping them in a hug, avoiding their chest, which had faced a violent battering by Naomi.
"But, Ena... how did you know her?" Mizuki asked quietly, voice trembling.
"She... that was Naomi. My Naomi."
Mizuki's face creased, crumpled, collapsed into a sob.
"She... her name is Seiko. She's one of the reasons I left school. She's bullied me for... for years." Mizuki wept, and Ena felt a wave of emotion crash over her.
Guilt, disgust, hopelessness, everything all at once.
The two of them held each other on the side of the street, beside two overflowing rubbish bins, and wept together.

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It was 11:24 pm when they saw each other again.

✏️Ena: Mizuki I'm going to be sick omg this can't be happening
✏️Ena: she posted all the photos I sent
✏️Ena: Mizuki I need you please
🎀Mizuki🎀: Ena calm down it's ok
✏️Ena: I need to get out of here my parents found out and They saw everything.
🎀Mizuki🎀: are you sure?
✏️Ena: If I don't get out of here I'm going to die
🎀Mizuki🎀: ok, pack your bags and meet me in the Sekai as soon as you can.

The Sekai was deathly silent, except for the sound of a young girl crying in the grey.
Mizuki found Ena, backpack beside her, curled in a ball beside her smashed phone. A prisoner in the Sekai. Mizuki realised with a jolt that without their phone, Ena would have been trapped here until their next meeting, in a week.
"Ena, it's ok, it's ok." Soothed Mizuki, rubbing her shoulders, until Ena screeched into the silence. It was a tearing, pathetic sound that tore apart the grey like a bomb.
"IT'S NOT OK! IT WON'T BE EVER AGAIN!" Ena sobbed. "I just want to disappear, Mizuki." She whimpered, covering her face with her hands. The images Naomi had posted, before they were removed 20 minutes later, flashed to Mizuki's mind, followed by a sting of intense guilt. They wondered how many people had seen those photos.
"Mizuki? Ena?"
Mizuki whipped around, staring at Mafuyu, standing like a spectre behind them. Her hair floated like thunderclouds in the still air, and her indigo eyes were focused on Ena.
"Hey, Mafuyu." Mizuki smiled weakly, still rubbing Ena's back.
Silently, the girl held out a bag. Stepping forwards, Mizuki peered inside: food, water bottles, a medical kit, period products, plasters, emergency chargers, money- everything Mizuki had forgotten was carefully collected in the cotton bag.
"Mafuyu... I couldn't thank you enough. This... it's so kind." Mizuki whimpered, tears forming in their eyes. Nobody had ever been this kind, considerate to them. Nobody except this band, labelled as chronically online weirdos, creeps, social outcasts.
"It's fine. I know that me and Ena, haven't exactly got on for a while... so I wanted to say sorry. Good luck with running away." Mafuyu muttered. Suddenly, her eyes fixed on Mizuki's, and a desperate twinkling swept over them.
"You promise you'll come back one day, right?" Mafuyu whispered, and Mizuki nodded frantically.
"Of course. I just need to... to stay with Ena."
Mizuki's voice dropped, their hands clasped together.  
"I've never felt this way about anyone before. It's like, like we're connected. I can't imagine going anywhere without her. I can't imagine life without her." Mizuki whispered, tears sparkling in their peach-pink eyes. "I think I love her."
Mizuki closed their eyes, letting the tears trickle down. They shivered as a pair of freezing hands clasped their's.
"I feel the same way about Kanade. She makes me feel like I have... a string, attached to her. Every moment with her is perfect. I love her too." Mafuyu spoke, face blank but eyes glistening with emotion.
"Make sure you tell her how you feel." The singer murmured. "And don't let her fade away." Silently, she pressed two train tickets into Mizuki's palm.
"Tickets to... oh, Mafuyu, you're so clever!" Mizuki squealed with joy, wrapping Mafuyu in a tight embrace.
"Ok... see you soon." Mafuyu muttered awkwardly, prying away. In a splash of neon, she was gone.
Mizuki stepped back to Ena, laying a hand on her cheek.
"Ena, Mafuyu gave us tickets. Train tickets. We're leaving tonight."

Mizuki x Ena / Mizuena- Music can't save us now Where stories live. Discover now