401 17 17

This is where it all starts to go downhill guyssss
Heavy transphobia and bullying this chapter

"Oh, she's finally home."
Ena stamped into her house, head down, eyes already smarting with boiling tears. A figure loomed in the doorway.
"It's not even that late." She muttered, sweeping her hair from her face with clenched fingers, leaving faint red scratch marks with her nails.
"Who were you out with, then? Your friends? A boy?" He snarled, his fist clenched on the kitchen countertop, crushing the beer can beneath. The veins bulged out like snakes.
"No, I was with Mizuki." Ena growled, hating how much her voice echoed her father's.
"Who's she?" He barked back. Ena shrugged, trying to weasel past him, but he moved to the side, blocking her from escaping to her room.
"I said, who's she?"
"They're my friend. From school." Ena lied, head down. Her father was completely against a lot of things- mainly, social media, and meeting people online. If he ever found out about her Instagram account, she knew he'd force her to delete it, let alone Nightcord.
It was fine though. She'd learnt how to hide things from her parents earlier than most people.
"Oh, they're not that crossdresser one, are they?" Her father hissed.
"They're not a crossdresser! They're non-binary!"
Crimson mist descended in front of her eyes. Ena heard her shriek echo off the walls, her shoulders arched.
"DO YOU WANT TO WAKE EVERYONE UP?" Her Dad bellowed, lurching forwards. Ena shrank back, a dance they'd both memorised, searching for her brother on the staircase. She remembered sickeningly that he was at a sleepover, and her mother wouldn't dare come down when her father was in such a mood.
"No! I just don't understand why you hate my friends so much!" Ena yelled.
"What friends? Airi's ok, but the others are just freaks!" He retorted, face scarlet.
"Mizuki isn't a freak!" Ena screamed finally, before dashing upstairs, trembling.
Instantly, she reached for the only thing that could give her that instant rush of joy. The only thing she was good at. The only thing that made her smile as widely as her friends.
She reached for her phone, and started posing.
Ten minutes later, the attention began to pour in. She sifted through comments, searching for Mizuki's.
Mizuki hadn't even liked it. Were they online? They had to be. They were going onto Nightcord in about an hour.
Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.
29 likes in five minutes. A record. But Ena kept searching for Mizuki's comment. For their praise. For their attention.
✏️Ena: Mizuki x
✏️Ena: my dad just got so angry at me
✏️Ena: can we talk?
She waited. 5 minutes. 10. And, 15 minutes later, Mizuki did reply.
🎀Mizuki🎀: do you have to be such an attention seeker all the time? Don't you realise other people have issues too?

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Mizuki stared down at their phone, eyes blurry with unspilt tears.
Don't cry
I'm not!
Don't cry over them. Ena wouldn't let you. You're above them.
I'm not.
Don't cry don't cry they'll hear you and they'll blame you for it won't they you stupid bitch don't cry don't cry-
Mizuki scrabbled at their eyes, tearing out eyelashes, scrubbing dirt and grit into them. For a few seconds, they were blinded by their agony- but that was better than staring at their phone. At the Instagram account opened on their secret account.
It wasn't like in the movies. The jocks and preps don't make a goofy website and post random cropped photos. No.
The Instagram account was made to look like an account made by Mizuki. The account was titled MIZUKI! @Mizukithegirl and the bio was littered with trans and gay pride emojis.
IT/THEY 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
NOT A GIRL!!!!!!! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
Even though I am one 💀💀💀
Each word, each letter was like a bloody laceration, trailing from their strong, bumpy chin, to their bare rib cage, down to their groin, to the legs they had to rip and tear at every few days.
The worst thing was the profile photo. That didn't just slice at their skin- it dove deep into their memories and poisoned their core.
It was the first photo they posted on their now deleted Instagram. A fresh start. A picture of Mizuki in a poorly fitting purple dress, sloppy eyeliner and a painfully obviously padded bra. Their first photo, sure, maybe a little cringe, but they were only in middle school. Only a child.
I thought I deleted them all?
It was just supposed to be fun.
I thought I looked cute?
It was a fresh start.
It was a fresh start.
A fresh start.
Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.
Their classmates were laughing. Laughing emojis, strings of text, people pretending to be an 'it' too. They scrolled mindlessly, watched An's and Rui's and Akito's comments getting deleted over and over and over again.
Because it was going to be like this forever, wasn't it?

Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.

༉‧₊˚✧ ༉‧₊˚✧ ༉‧₊˚✧༉‧₊˚✧ ༉‧₊˚✧ ༉‧₊˚✧༉‧₊˚✧ ༉‧₊˚✧ ༉‧

Maybe if Ena had looked more, she would have found the account. Maybe if she hadn't gone straight to discord. Maybe if she hadn't started walking to the bathroom.
Thankfully Naomi hadn't blocked her.
Ena slumped onto the floor
and posed.

Mizuki x Ena / Mizuena- Music can't save us now Where stories live. Discover now