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This is the sad one guys🥲
Also I made a new cover 😁
Anyway back to the story

They returned. Riding in a silent train, on their way back from heaven, back to reality with tears glistening in their eyes and lips cold from the autumn air and unspoken craving.
Ena fell into her brother's arms, her parents circled around her, unable to let go.
But beneath this desperation, righteous fury brewed. Ena's phone was confiscated. Her laptop was hidden.  Even her headphones were missing.
They had found out about Nightcord, about the music, about everything. Ena shivered as she imagined her parents delving through her messages, trawling through her laptop emails, searching for any leads for their daughter who had danced off to heaven.
And they found some. They found a lot.
First their was screaming, shrieking, that dissolved into sobbing. And finally, Ena's father laid a hand on her shoulder and murmured, "Those MVs we're really good, you know. They were amazing."
Ena began to cry again. From joy, the pleasure of finally getting the recognition she craved after- but also, because she knew it was over the minutes he said 'were'. It was all over. Nightcord 25 was over.

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It was 2 weeks before Ena managed to see Mizuki again.
She hadn't left the house for all of them. She'd stood by her bedroom door, shaking, imagining those eyes sliding across her like slime, wandering eyes  knowing her every secret- and had slammed the door and crept back to curl up in bed.
She's barely showered, barely slept, her mouth a foul-scented cavern, her cheeks raw and sticky with tear tracks. Her parents, her brother, even Airi and Shizuku, the only friends her parents approved of, had constantly fluttered around, hands never leaving her back, her forehead, her scalp. Nobody kissed her gently on the forehead. Nobody held her hand like a China ornament. Nobody could lift her chin with their hand, entrance her with their eyes, the same way Mizuki had. Nobody could replace them.
But one day, she had a chance. Her mother was shopping, her father at work, her brother attending school- the house was empty for the first time in two weeks.
She waited until every creak, every slight clatter had been silenced, the only sound the whispers of wind flowing through her opened window. Then she ran. Ran to her parents bedroom, delving through their drawers, grabbing her phone. She plugged it in, waiting for it to charge like she was starving, and as soon as the logo appeared- she was typing, sobbing, begging.
✏️Ena: please Mizuki can we go to Sekai
✏️Ena: I don't have time I'm sorry
Minutes passed by in hours. Days became only moments. Until-
🎀Mizuki🎀: Ill see you there 💗

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Ena didn't even bother changing, sorting her hair out, showering- she didn't have time. There was no need. Seeing Mizuki was like sliding into a worn jumper- she knew it didn't matter what she looked like to them, and that feeling was the most beautiful feeling of all. That comfortable, warming feeling, the feeling as your icy mask slipped away and melted at your feet.
She flitted into the Sekai, already beaming, a tearful smile foreign to her lips. Mizuki was already there, tears streaming down their face as Ena flung herself forward into their waiting arms.
"Oh, Mizuki, I'm sorry!" Ena sobbed, burying her face in her partner's shoulders.
"Don't apologise! You've done nothing." Mizuki whispered, their voice hitching. "I'm sorry for dragging you back for my own selfish reasons. I'm-"
"Mizuki, please. You did the right thing. We had to come back. We couldn't stay out there forever, could we?" Ena laughed weakly. "Please, let's not think about the past, or the future, or anything. Just now."
The two singers clasped each other, pressed together, clamped together, an unspoken cloud brewing between them.
"This is it, isn't it?" Mizuki whispered.
"We're moving away. Cutting contact completely. God, I won't even have my phone, let alone a laptop." Ena smiled bitterly, tears dribbling from her eyes in an impenetrable shower. "We didn't even get a first date." She choked out.
"We will."
Ena started at the unwavering strength of Mizuki's voice. "Mizuki-"
"We will." Mizuki clasped her hands, two crystal ornaments in their firm, warm palms. "Even if it's 5, 10, 20 years away... we'll have the best first date ever, ok? And the best 2nd, 3rd, 4th... but you have to promise to wait for me, ok?" Mizuki smiled, face streaked with tears like cracks in a shattered vase. "You won't leave me, ok?"
"I won't. Mizuki, I swear!" Ena vowed, eyes glittering with promises.
"Oh, I have something to show you." Mizuki broke away silently, rifling in their satchel.
"Your I-pad?"
"I made you something!" Mizuki beamed, clicking onto the photos app. "It's taken a while... a year, I think."
"An... an animation?"
Mizuki pressed play, and Ena felt something inside of her shatter.
It was them. Drawing of them- or, characters that looked like them. The scenes flickered past as a medley of Ena and Mizuki's favourite songs flashed past, the scenes changing to dance alongside them. Seasons changed, colours flashed, memories of dates they never get to attend drawn out in dizzyingly beautiful colour.
"Oh, Mizuki... it's beautiful!" Ena bit back a sob, closed her eyes, and kissed Mizuki for the first time in her life. 
And probably the last time.

Mizuki x Ena / Mizuena- Music can't save us now Where stories live. Discover now