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Mizuki spent a lot of time in their room. Away from the towers of clumped concrete outside, separated from the constant, constant buzz of people and their stupid, constant voices, cut free from the binary colour pallet of blue trousers for boys, pink skirts for girls. They could decorate it however they wanted- their own dress stands, quilts, pillows- and they even managed to recreate some of that pink, that shade reserved only for 'girls'- although it was like recreating champagne with bubble mixture. Pretty, but tasting like shit. Fake.
Shouldn't you-
Mizuki scrolled on tik tok for a bit, scrolled on Instagram, scrolled on Pinterest- but even all the pink in the world couldn't calm them. Their heart was still racing. They didn't know if it would ever slow down again.
Shouldn't you be looking-
They drew. They blasted music. They tried to work on their animation.
Shouldn't you be looking in the B-


🎀Mizuki🎀: hi, Ena. Sorry I ran off like that yesterday x
✏️Ena: oh, it's ok x
✏️Ena: typing...

Mizuki watched the three dots dance up and down. Taunting them. Funny how modern communication is faster, smarter, better than ever, but the wait is even more painful than ever. Watching those theee dots.

✏️Ena: do you want to meet up tomorrow? x
🎀Mizuki🎀: omg yes!!!!!!!!
🎀Mizuki🎀: slayyyyy 😽
✏️Ena: you forgot to ask where we're actually going 😑
🎀Mizuki🎀: I'd go anywhere for you Enanan 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
✏️Ena: well we're going to the cat cafe x
✏️Ena: Airi's two friends work there so we can get discounts xxxx
🎀Mizuki🎀: CAN I WEAR MY MAID DRESS??!?!?!
✏️Ena: If you wear a maid dress I'm never taking to you again
🎀Mizuki🎀: alright... 😿
✏️Ena: see you tmrw at 6:00 pm, k? xxxx
🎀Mizuki🎀: YAY! 😽

Mizuki clambered into their pink bedsheets, beaming, Ena's 11 kisses staining their cheeks blissful pink.

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Mizuki hadn't worn a maid dress (although they had, fleetingly, considered it). Instead, they wore of their favourite outfits- a pink bow in their hair, a white blouse with pink buttons, a frothy pink skirt and tight white thigh-high socks, with pink hearts on the knees. They remembered the first time they'd worn this in public- the anxiety that had devoured them, the pounding in their head, the terror, pure and primal. It was the first skirt they'd every worn outside. The first time they'd worn more than a splash of pink.
Their first time outside as the real Mizuki.
It was a reminder, wearing that outfit. A medal, of sorts. A memory wrapped in pink. A memory of how far they'd come.
They spent some time staring at the cat perched by the window, giggling to themself, before Ena appeared.
"Ena!" Mizuki grinned, hugging their best friend.
"Mizuki!" She grumbled, and Mizuki felt a flutter of happiness when they realised Ena was blushing too.
They entered the café. Their was an entrance fee, which Ena payed, even after Mizuki tried to protest.
"No, it's my treat!" Ena yelled. "But I'm not paying for food." She added.
The two artists sat down in a corner, grabbing some free cat treats on the counter top.
Immediately, Mizuki grabbed the treats and waved them around like a wild flag. The cats slumped on the seats jumped and began to shuffle away, speeding up as Mizuki began to shriek,
"Mizuki!" Ena hissed. "You're so loud! Here, give it to me." Ena snatched the cat treats, her hands brushing Mizuki's.
"Pspspspspsps! Come here kitty! Pspspspsps!" Ena whispered, and eventually, one of the cats approached, a black kitten with huge chocolate- brown eyes.
"Aw, Enanan! It has the same eyes as you!" Mizuki cried, scooping it into their arms.
"No, it doesn't! Mine aren't brown, they're hazel!" Ena protested, but she stroked the cat anyway.
Mizuki felt that betraying love blooming in their chest. A silly indulgence. As long as they kept telling themselves, it'll never happen, that would be ok. Nothing more than a silly crush.
"Ena? Oh, Mizuki! Hello!"
A turquoise-haired waitress approached them, and Mizuki realised with a grin that it was Shizuku Hinomori.
"Hey, Shizuku!" Ena smiled, and they chatted a bit before ordering. Before long, their food arrived, and they started eating.
They ate in silence for a while. Mizuki felt something hanging in the air. Something unspoken. Like a rancid smell.
"So... Mizuki. Um... about what happened yesterday. At the shop..."
It was back. That crushing anxiety. That pain that comes, piercingly, as you try to clamp together a vase that's about to shatter, the glass tearing apart your hands.
Why didn't I just stay at home?
"Oh, it was nothing! I didn't even know those kids!"
Mizuki laughed, much too loudly. The Ena-coloured cat jumped off their lap with a meow.
"But... did you hear what they said?" Ena continued, her voice wavering.
"Ena. Please. It was nothing."
Their eyes met, a connection, a competition. Who would break first? Who would admit that their were ulterior motives to this sudden meeting?
Mizuki had had a lot of practice at lying.
"Okay. But if those kids show up again, I'll send my brother after them!" Ena vowed, and Mizuki uttered a shaky laugh, and asked a simpler question.
"Want another French fry?"

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Autumn had began to dance alongside summer, and darkness fell much earlier. The two musicians leaned on each other as they walked home, hands clasped together silently.
"I think it rained while we were in there." Ena murmured.
"Oh, I didn't even notice." Mizuki responded truthfully.
"Mizuki-watch out!"
Before they could even blink, Mizuki was falling, tumbling towards the group, flying backwards, plummeting-
A hand grabbed their back, a hand grabbed their hand, and Ena's face flew millimetres towards Mizuki's. They could study every eyelash, even fleck of copper in her chocolaty eyes, every line on her perfect,pink lips, that were barely a breath away.
Then they were back on their feet, and Ena was stepping away, blushing scarlet.
"Ena, you saved my life! How can I repay you?" Mizuki sang, bowing repeatedly.
"Ugh, come on." Ena giggled "Let's go home."

Mizuki x Ena / Mizuena- Music can't save us now Where stories live. Discover now