༉‧₊˚✧ ID SMILE ༉‧₊˚✧

477 18 37

T0n3r1on: This song is good but Wow! The art for this song is incredible!
Ikuuuuu: Enanan is my favourite artist AND my favourite singer!
Macnenanana: Can I draw fanart for this song plz? The character Enanan drew for this is super cute!

Ena smiled softly, pocketing her phone as she strode to N25's meeting place. Attention, no, recognition was all she craved, and these comments, pouring in like rainwater, lit up her mind with fireworks.
Of course, most of the comments were on the song, the lyrics, especially. Yuki's- or Mafuyu's, but Ena preferred to remember her by Yuki, a faceless username to hurl hatred at- lyrics. Ena sighed as she scrolled through endless comments praising the lyrics, smiling darkly whenever she saw a hate comment.
Yohi0l01d: Nigo fans: their lyrics are so deep you wouldn't understand them 🥀🥀🥀😭😭😭
The lyrics: 'I love your smile' 🤓
She hoped Mafuyu saw it. Not that she'd feel anything anyway.
Ena tucked her phone away as she approached their meeting point. Mizuki wasn't yet there, but unfortunately, Mafuyu and Kanade were already. Kissing.
It felt like walking in on your parents kissing, that same sticky embarrassment and shame that courses through you. Ena watched as Mafuyu rested her head on Kanade's shoulder, the look of pure joy, pure admiration, pure something on Kanade's face. It was an expression Ena had never seen before- especially not directed at her.
It was an expression of pure love.
So that emotionless bitch gets a happy relationship and I don't? I just get Naomi, and that didn't even last! What did I do to deserve this? What have I done wrong?
Then a little voice added, in a wicked whisper, creeping through Ena's brain like the crawling fingers of pitch-black smoke. 
What have you done right?
"Hey, lovebirds!"
Like sunshine shimmering it's way through a choking fog, Mizuki's voice cleared Ena's mind in just a few seconds. Ena turned- and banged straight into their friend.
"Watch out!" Ena growled, rubbing her head.
"Sowwy!" Whimpered Mizuki, their eyes swelling to anime proportions. "Pwease forgive me, Ena-chan!"
"You're causing a scene..." Ena grumbled, but as soon as Mizuki had rushed over to greet Mafuyu and Kanade (who they wouldn't stop calling 'lovebirds'), a smile had miraculously appeared on her face, as delicate and pure as the one Kanade's only minutes before.
The group eventually reached the restaurant, a new boba place that also sold an array of cakes, biscuits and of course, pancakes.
"Oh, I've wanted to come here for ages!" Ena proclaimed as the band stepped inside, already feasting on the sweet aroma that enveloped the tiny café.
"It's... pretty." Mafuyu added, smiling slightly. Ena still thought it looked slightly creepy- but she didn't want to face Kanade's disappointment. And it was better than her frown!
"You're right." Kanade murmured, and that expression passed over her face again like sunlight scattered over a summer lake.
They sat in a booth in the corner, ordered, and began to discuss their latest song.
Kanade flicked through YouTube analytics, muttering to herself.
"The video's doing well... more views in the first 24 hours than our last song... but less than bug..."
"Wow, the comments all love your art, Ena!" Mizuki cried excitedly. "They should! It's absolutely stunning."
The sudden compliment set off pink fireworks in Ena's cheeks. She glanced at her hands, her skirt, Mafuyu's cardigan (jeez, why does she wear that?! I need to get someone to take her out shopping soon) - anywhere but Mizuki's face.
"Oh! Thank you!" She spluttered eventually. "Your animation was amazing as well, as usual."
"And the lyrics." Kanade added, squeezing Mafuyu's pallid hand.
"And your composition." Mafuyu replied, a slight spark of compassion weaving through her words.
"Yeah, Kanade! You don't give yourself enough credit! You're the one that really brings us together!" Mizuki crowed. "We're just the bubbles, but you're the tea!" They beamed, as Kanade blushed scarlet.
"Do you have to bring food into this? I'm so hungry..." Ena protested, smiling.

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Mafuyu had to finish some homework and tackle her endless pile of revision, Kanade had to return to her keyboard- leaving just Mizuki and Ena, strolling down the Main Street, chatting aimlessly.
Even these minuscule snatches of conversation, handfuls of text messages, the odd tik tok link- they were sacred to Ena and Mizuki. So, as they padded down the street, into the mall, both of them slowed their steps, stretching this moment out until they were forced to return home.
"Oh, Ena, look at this skirt! Isn't it adorable?" Mizuki giggled, their hands stroking the pink fabric reverently.
"I guess... I think the purple's way prettier though." Ena lifted the skirt of the rack, holding it up against Mizuki's body. "You HAVE to buy it!"
"How much is it?"
A gasp rang through the air as Mizuki snapped towards a group of kids their age stampeded into the shop, yelling and sloshing their various sugary drinks everywhere. A group of harmless (but slightly irritating, as most people their age were) teens.

So why did Mizuki look like a fox, entangled in a snare, gasping for breath?

"Um! Ena, I just remembered I have to finish an assignment. Like, by TONIGHT." Mizuki stammered suddenly, shoving the skirt back onto the rack with a clatter.
With a sudden yell, one of the kids shouted something. Mizuki stumbled back. Sweat crystallised on their forehead. Their face was twisted in a terrified grimace.
"Ena, I've got to go. See you later, k?" Mizuki yelped, jogging away, leaving Ena clutching an empty clothes hanger, mouth agape.
It wasn't until late that night, tangled and sweating in her bedsheets, that Ena decoded the words hurled at Mizuki in that crowded mall.

"Shouldn't you be looking in the BOY'S section, freak?"

Mizuki x Ena / Mizuena- Music can't save us now Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt