Closing Note

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Finally! The book is finally done! And please... I beg you PLEASE DO NOT GET THIS ONE PURGED AS WELL!! Like I said in the previous chapter's note, it's all for fun and letting out my inner history geek and I mean no harm so for anyone's associated... please don't sue me. I tried my best to make this a wholesome yet more cheesy story that I've ever written. 

If all of it's clear... if you guys like the story, why don't you leave a vote and share it with your friends and family? Maybe they'll like it too! This is the closing note of An Age Old Promise and I'll see you in my next work! RD out!! Boi!!!

//I can already imagine myself having a catfight with Natalie for not wanting to share Heydrich lol and I'm so going to watch The Man With The Iron Heart movie

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